Far be it for me to get in an uproar about anything, but this is just off the chain. I am a strong proponent of school choice better known as "vouchers". The reasons for this are multiple, but the main one in my thoughts is that teachers in public schools have no moral standards. (Remember generalizations are just that, there ARE three decent public school teachers in the world, so will you three not get upset?)
Anyway, it seems there was this little girl that was in special ed that got forcibly raped by a group of dudes. Okay, even if you don't actually penetrate this little girl, if you stood idly by and filmed the rape, you are on your way to Hell. Value judgment? Yea, you damn skippy. If I had my druthers, these thugs would be thrown under the damn jailhouse with a bunch of homosexual rapist weightlifters with STD's.
What does this have to do with public education, Two Dogs? Glad you asked Gomer because here it comes. It seems that the Principal of the school tried to coerce the father of this little raped girl to refrain from calling Johnny Law! WTF!!! While I would still be kicking the ever-loving crap outta any one I could get my hands on that had anything to do with the rape and the subsequent cover up, I would be on the phone with a LAWYER (any takers, Oddybobo?)making plans to sue the entire school district, anyone affilliated with the school, the parents of the rapists, and various and sundry other balls of meconium. (Hat-tip: Michele)
Oh and if you need speakers for your Violence Summit, I'll show up if you will let me take these punks down. Oh, they are only kids? Yea, well I'm an equal opportunity ass-kicker. We kinda look down on this kinda crap in my little hamlet.
Oh, did I mention that she was a special needs child? Still think that there is no evil in the world? How did I just miss this whole story for so long? Man.
What morals do most public school teachers not have now that you think they should have and be teaching to kids? This I must hear.
Firing range anyone? That anyone could think for even a milisecond that the police should not be called in such a situation is a sad commentary on our society.
We have no problem awarding money and credence to persons screaming harassment at simple gestures or jokes or even a wink of an eye, but by golly, perpetrate a rape upon a disabled girl and "aw shucks, who needs to bring the police into this? we are all adults here"
I have a disabled sister-in-law, the thought that anyone would touch her inappropriately, beat her, forcibly sodomize her, videotape it and laugh and carry on about it . . . Arghh!!
I'd be a huntin younguns!
Erik, we have been here so many times before, there are three good teachers in public school, yeah they know who they are. Oh, remember I put the disclaimer in there.
You and I have differing opinions about the slippery slope that our American society is built upon. You admittedly adhere to an ambiguous set of morals that have no definitive starting and ending point.
Here we go: the public school system is an area where the Federal government has completely capitulated to teachers unions and their thug-ass bosses. And the States have to adhere to the Fed because if they don't, the lunch money is going to get cut off. Year after year, our kids get dumber. Oh, hey they might get their feelings hurt, so let's turn the ACT and the SAT into some kinda feel good thing that doesn't judge people by their abilities, but by their perceived insight into our metrosexual ideology.
Erik, everyone would like to have a warm, fuzzy feeling about everyone else, but when you mess with my kid or worse still (yeah I said it) the special needs rape victim, your school should be closed. There's no debating that, this Principal was a damn evil human being. And most principals start somewhere around the classroom, that means they were teachers.
Hey, sir, I know your daughter was just repeatedly raped, but do we really need to involve the POLICE? Let's not get CRAZY!
What part of that moral depravity do you fail to grasp?
Sorry, ^ That was my attempt at a lame joke!! I thought better and removed it!!
Two Dogs, to use one principle of a school that did a very bad thing for which he should be held accountable for, and then say that public schools are bad seems a little strange. Does every company suck just because Enron and Tyco were bad? The entire concept of "all public schools are bad" is just silly. Most people were educated there. There are some dummies, and there are some brilliant people. The idea that private schools are just magically better is way off. I was in the public school system from Kindergarten through my MS degree, and it doesn't seem to have hurt me.
You're wrong about my morals being ambiguous too. They are far from ambiguous. They just aren't yours. Regardless, greater moral certainty does not mean greater moral truth.
It is the difference between a profit-and-loss management and a bureaucracy. The former has a disincentive inherent in it against mediocrity and abuse, because it relies on people voluntarily associating with and within it, thereby making the self-interest of each act to improve the efficiency. The latter inherently lacks that disincentive because it relies upon coercion for association, coercion which places the self interest of a few bureaucrats in opposition with those they are to serve and their underlings. The former cannot survive and remain inefficient, the latter is propped up no matter how badly by taxation and inflation.
Incidentally, this is why school vouchers are a bad idea. There is no such thing as "partial" privatization. To the degree private schools begin to accept vouchers, they will fall under the same bureaucratic regulations that public schools do, and hence lose the very profit motive which makes them attractive. You cannot solve the problem of publicly funded education by eliminating private schools and turning all schools into public schools to some degree.
>The former has a disincentive inherent in it against mediocrity and abuse, because it relies on people voluntarily associating with and within it, thereby making the self-interest of each act to improve the efficiency.
Well, this obviously does NOT apply to the examples given, nor to many other selfish , greedy, now debunked businesses!!
Thanks to all who have posted on this. I think that everyone knows my opinion of public schools, and government in general. My thoughts are that we should close the doors on all schools that are funded mostly by the Federal government. Seems to be something missing in the Constitution about a school system that is funded that way.
Erik, you and I disagree on most of these topics because I am a conservative, and you are not. I am not making a value judgment on your thoughts and opinions, they are just not conservative. I base my thoughts on a moral value system that has served mankind well over the past few thousand years and you know the ole if it ain't broke, don't fix it axiom.
The problems in our society, I believe, stem from people turning away from tried and true methods and embracing a tactic that if it FEELS good, it must be good.
Anyway, I have been swamped at work this week and we wilol return to a regular posting schedule next week.
Ha Ha!!
Thanks to all who have posted on this. I think that everyone knows my opinion of public schools, and government in general. My thoughts are that we should close the doors on all schools that are funded mostly by the Federal government. Seems to be something missing in the Constitution about a school system that is funded that way.
Erik, you and I disagree on most of these topics because I am a conservative, and you are not. I am not making a value judgment on your thoughts and opinions, they are just not conservative. I base my thoughts on a moral value system that has served mankind well over the past few thousand years and you know the ole if it ain't broke, don't fix it axiom.
The problems in our society, I believe, stem from people turning away from tried and true methods and embracing a tactic that if it FEELS good, it must be good.
Anyway, I have been swamped at work this week and we wilol return to a regular posting schedule next week.
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