The Letter:
Hey Folks--
My second-grade daughter, Sarah, has an assignment to take a guy named "Flat Stanley" on a trip someplace. We decided to do something a little different and make him digital, then send him across the Internet, across the US and even around the world. I've been asking some of the folks I know online to give us a hand with that.
She’s already written about his "journey" that began when she put him face-down in the scanner, and he traveled through the silver cable into the computer and entered the digital world. In the digital world he was able to undergo all kinds of transformations and even get colorized (he was black and white when he came home), and Sarah oversaw all of those.
Then she had me print them out so she could take them to school and show her class all of the changes he went through in the digital world. We even sent in a page of the code that describes him to the computer--only one of more than 5,000 pages of it for one little image.
So now he's attached to this message. If you want to forward him anywhere else—- specially far away or exotic places--please be my guest. Just ask anyone who receives him to send a note back to Sarah Fairfax--care of me, her daddy--about where he's gotten himself to and any adventures he might have there.
Then next week she’ll bring her class a list of all the places he went, and maybe a map showing where they are.
Mark (mluebker-at-comcast-dot-net)
Just doing my civic duty to help out the kids and our wonderful military. Welcome to Jackson, Mississippi, Flat Stanley.
Two Dogs, is that the self portrait you promised?
No, no, no, just helping the kids, cause that's how I roll. However the pictures will be up this week, I promise.
> No, no, no, just helping the kids, cause that's how I roll. However the pictures will be up this week, I promise.
LOL!!!!I hear that. You can't ever do too much for the kids!!!!!Wu Tang and Two Dogs are for the kids!!!!
I get grouped with Wu Tang, damn.
The Two Dogs and Wu Tang Clan "Burn Down The Planet Tour". Yep, I can see that happening. Me and Ghost Face Killa will share a tour bus. It just won't be the same without 'Bastard' though.
Two Dogs, if you manage to pull off this tour, I gurantee you, the "bastard" will be there!!JK!!!LOL!!!!
I might as well see if I can get Luther Campbell to come out with us too. Damn, Wu Tang, 2LiveCrew, and Two Dogs all on the same stage. Stunning.
Uhm... who or what is Wu Tang?
Damn sweetheart, it's Wu Tang Clan. I know that you have heard of Ol' Dirty Bastard.
Two Dogs, Kelly has been living without electronic media for the last 10+ years. It's like talking to a cavewoman.
Quit it. She's on the net and she's obviously looking at the news. And she's well informed now, because she's commenting on the greatest blog ever created.
Wait, no music, Kelly? I could not survive that way. And I don't watch television either. The only reason that I even have one is so Ben can play that damn X-box.
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