Sunday, May 08, 2005

Damn, What about Them Chickens?

Having spent a good two weeks on AL Sharpton and the "Chickens are People, Too" tour, I failed to figure out how I missed THIS.

The bad part of this situation is that I have defended Mfume on numerous occasions. What was I thinking?

Why is THIS not surprising? "West Speaks Out For Chicken". I almost hurt myself laughing.

All the intellectual giants HERE.

Is it just me or is everyone thinking, WTF? Man, this is priceless.

UPDATE: Ace had THIS link. Damn.


Paul Mitchell said...

Yea, I was amazed at the quality of the spokes-losers involved.

Wayne World said...

Two Dogs!!!! KFC does Chicken WRONG!!!What does your Catholic faith say about cruelty to animals?What does it say about you? Repent NOW sinner, before I sick Damien Omen on dat ASS!!

Wayne World said...

>Notice the trend? Tasty animals are built to be expendable. It's all part of the Grand Design.

Dudes AND Dudettes!!!!Listen UP!Maybe the dumb animals tend to get caught more because they're DUMB!!!!Alright , Listen Up!!!!

Wayne World said...

>Have you ever stopped to think that the treatment of these animals is actually affecting the species in such a way that will ulimately affect those that eat them?

I HAVE!!!! I think chickens might develop some sickness that causes them to be negative for the consumer .They are suffering , so their bodies produce internal chemicals and hormones that makes their meat harmful .They also develop strains of sickness like bird flu, which basically renders them useless . It is the species way of adapting to survive ........better.:(

Paul Mitchell said...

Hey, PP, I quit eating tuna when they took out the dolphin.

I am not a big chicken fan since we do poultry work, but I will say that chickens rank right up there with domestic turkeys. Box of rocks, heh.

Wayne World said...

>I am not a big chicken fan since we do poultry work, but I will say that chickens rank right up there with domestic turkeys. Box of rocks, heh.

Two Dogs, what do you have against domestics living in Turkey? Do you think it's their fault that they are basically indentured servants? Huh?

Wayne World said...

>I am not a big chicken fan since we do poultry work,

Is that what you call "choking the chicken"?

Anonymous said...