Sunday, June 05, 2005

Treatise on Re-Education of Deadbeat Socialists

It has been in the news this past week that the Wachovia Corporation's past is filled with nasty stuff involving slavery. While I am not advocating slavery in any form, I think that this could not get more ridiculous. There is no thinking person in the United States of America that doesn't cringe when thoughts of the evils of slavery cross their mind.

That said, on to the Capitalist response on this matter. Brace yourself, Bridget, it might get ugly.

You see, there is a notion that the United States is an evil, Capitalist country that developed on the backs of the Africans that were sold as slaves here. While an intelligent person would say, "But, Two Dogs, every country on the face of the planet has had at one time or another, the stigma of allowing slavery.", the morons on the Left seem to think that only the US should be held responsible. Ah, you poor, poor, pitiful fools.

The United States of America is the only nation in the world where the people are so ashamed of the horrors of slavery that they are easily goaded into paying reparations or accepting lawsuits that would pay retribution for those "crimes". Our populace is so gullible that they fall into the trap set up by the nutjobs that are 100% against the businessman.

You see, slavery at one time was an accepted practice here. Yep, that's right, we allowed the buying and selling of human beings. It was LAW. If something is legal, you cannot force people to pay fines for something that is LEGAL. That isn't too hard to understand, is it? Well, yes, obviously it is, so I am here to throw ridiculous "truthisms" at the problem to try to stem the tide of stupidity.

Okay, Businessman Number One operates a company making the Mr. T action figure. He goes out and buys 400 human beings to actually work in his factory. Remember, Doofus, it is legal to own humans in this scenario. At the same time, Businessman Number Two hires people to build the same action figure or a similar one. He is forced to pay wages, offer profit sharing, health insurance, Social Security, and Medicaid for his workers. How hard is it to understand that Businessman Number Two has crippled his chances to turn a profit even close to Businessman Number One? Competition is stifled.

That's exactly what happened to the companies that became Wachovia Corporation. They were attempting to compete in the market that was established. Before you start screaming "BUT THEY WERE USING SLAVES!!!!", remember, slavery was LEGAL. I am pretty sure that the companies that they were competing against were doing the same thing.

Now, the fun part. The reason that there is only Wachovia Corporation in the news is because they survived and are still in business, albeit in another form. The competitors that they slaughtered on the altar of Capitalism fell under Wachovia's quest for success. Why are the Leftists not screaming for the other companies' money? Because there are no other companies left to have that money.

This whole pissing match is not about justice or doing the right thing, IT IS ABOUT MONEY! Now Two Dogs, you can't possibly think that the Leftists are not trying to right an injustice. Well, Gomer, I'm telling you right now, Leftists think that they are entitled to your money without lifting a finger to earn it. They are asking for Wachovia Corporation's head because there is money there to be had without doing anything but making someone feel guilty.

Sorry, folks but I have no guilt about slavery. I do not own slaves and could not care less who did. IT WAS LEGAL. I am not responsible for the actions of people that I didn't even know. Hell, I am not even responsible for the actions of my father. If my father wronged you, sue him. I am not responsible for what he did. If I have wronged you, make your case against me, there is no one else that is responsible for my actions.

Now, on to my solution for this and other problems that are similar. Require Leftists to get jobs that do not involve trying to make other people feel guilty about something that they had no control over. Hell, pass a damn law. I do understand that most legitimate businesses don't find these "workers" attractive. So, to remedy that problem, allow ridiculously large tax cuts to any business that hires these people that are basically unemployable. Futhermore, suspend minimum wage requirements for the re-education of people that are not familiar with the way that Capitalism works. Also, rid these businesses of the requirement for matching funds for Social Security.

I know, I know, it sounds almost like slavery in that sense. But, what I am advocating is the education of people too stupid to understand the concept of earning their living. When all of our populace learns the value of a dollar, they can easily be motivated to better themselves and keep their damn grubby, no-working paws off my pocketbook.

The Pam Meister linked this article. Everyone pile on her instead of me.

UPDATE: And once again, I did not miss the deadline for Carnival of Capitalists. Go there, RIGHT NOW! Yeah, I know that I am a link-whore. So what?

UPDATE AGAIN: It seems that Pam Meister has made some decisions about her banking choices.


Paul Mitchell said...

Thanks, Pam. I credit you solely with moving me up on TTLB.

Paul Mitchell said...

There you are. And back with a vengeance. I am not advocating denying G_d's law at all. Render unto Ceasar and all. I'm simply saying that if guilty white folks keep playing this game, nothing is ever going to change.

I see this circumstance as telling Black folks that they can't succeed without the "help" of the enlightened Leftists.

Paul Mitchell said...

Nzyme, I was not calling the people living in government subsidized housing stupid. I am talking about activists that make their living shaking down legitamate businesses, such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Nzyme, I do understand the plight of poor people, much better than Al and Jesse, because they are multi-millionaires. I do not acknowledge that poor folks are less fortunate than me. They may have less than I have, but I fail to see the correlation.

I think that you may have misread what I wrote.

Paul Mitchell said...

Absolutely no hard feelings at all, Nzyme. I was just letting you know that maybe you misinterpreted who I was calling out.

I just don't see the sense of having guilt for something that I have never done. And I refuse to have that blame laid at my doorstep.

What Wachovia Corporation did was copitulate to someone that is placing blame on completely innocent people.