Saturday, July 30, 2005

Since Baseball IS The Greatest Sport Ever

I have a heading on the sidebar called "Intelligent Bloggers=Baseball Fans". Check these sites out. Only one is dedicated totally to baseball but the others are great sites published by great Americans. Here's a brief rundown.

basil provides news links and humor in a distinctive Southern manner. Plus, gives a rundown of the AA Catfish. It's almost like being there. And link this Link-Doper, he's currently at Number 50 on the TTLB Ecosystem. He has gotta do better than that.

Mustang 23 is active-duty military in the Middle East and a Royals fan. Okay, so that's not really GOOD baseball, but it takes all kinds. Show him the appreciation that he deserves.

Garfield Ridge is another humor site from a baseball fan. Dave throws some good junk.

Plunk Biggio is the definitive site for all the stats on Craig getting beaned. I can't read this without serious laughter. And dammit the stats are just friggin' bizarre. Check it out.

And finally Hector Vex. This site defies description. You will just have to read it. Plus he offers a weekly vintage cereal critique and FREE MUSIC FRIDAYS! Oh, and the dude and his missus are expecting, so go over and throw some dust down.

I will get back to regular posting really soon. Oh, don't forget Pam Meister and Joe-6-Pack and Travis. Read their stuff and learn all about everything.