Wednesday, July 20, 2005

This Week's Carnivals, Symphonies, and Bonfires

The Best of Me Symphony is up at The Owner's Manual. As usual, Gary does a great job and this thing is like Church's chicken. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger. And not only that, he keeps letting me submit. Check it out, there's some spanking, good stuff there.

The Sixth Carnival of the Clueless is up at Right Wing Nuthouse. Clueless as a rule, the Democrats are represented in numbers.

And the Bonfire of the Vanities is up at Practical Penumbra. When only the worst of the worst is good enough.

The Carnival of the Vanities is up at New World Man. It's a multi-pager linked to the Justices. I am on the Scalia page, me and Tony hanging out just like in the old days. Only the best of the best. Go there now.

Hey, the Carnival of Comedy is up at This Blog Is Full Of Crap. Run, don't walk there. Well, I guess there's really no way to do that now, is there?

And last but definitely not least, The Carnival of Recipes is up at The Glittering Eye. Let's get the feed bag on.