Monday, July 25, 2005

This Week's Carnivals, Symphonies, and Bonfires

The Best of Me Symphony is up at The Owner's Manual. Gary puts together posts from at least sixty days ago. This is always fun for me. You read.

And the Carnival of the Clueless is up at Right Wing Nuthouse. Check out the Left's stumbles this week.

Ah Hell, the Bonfire of the Vanities is up at Soldiers'Angel. Go check out the worst posts of the week. Yep, I'm there.

The Carnival of the Vanities is up at Pratie Place. This is one that Glenn Reynolds might actually link!

I noticed over this weekend that this little site was getting some long looks from some new folks. We welcome any comments and debate. Come on, let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

Two Dogs is the wisest man that I have ever come across in my near 30 years of life on the hell of a world. With his irrational thinking and subtlety of a sledge hammer being spread via this wonderful creation we call the internet, change is going to come, "REEP IT MURPHY"..........

Sultan of SARC said...

Two Dogs is the wisest man that I have ever come across in my near 30 years of life on the hell of a world. With his irrational thinking and subtlety of a sledge hammer being spread via this wonderful creation we call the internet, change is going to come, "REEP IT MURPHY"..........