From Ronnie's website, we get this tidbit, and I quote, "Thank you for visiting my virtual office on the Web. I'm convinced that technology is the next Oregon Trail- blazing new possibilities for the future for Oregonians and people around the world. So, whether you're from Portland or Ontario or anywhere in between, if you can't make it to one of my 36 annual town meetings, we can stay connected online."
I just threw up in my mouth a little. Ronnie has a "virtual office", ain't that sweet? I'm guessing if technology IS the next Oregon Trail, Ron is blindly hacking his way through the various briar patches not unlike Michael Jackson with a bottle of "Jesus Juice" and an armful of kiddie pr0n. You would think that he would "remodel" his virtual office often, but it has not been updated since 2001. What a technology hound. I wonder if this guy could even find Google on the web. I bet his search engine is Aurora. Loser.
As a rule, every one of these Democrats has professed to working at bipartisan legislation, and then has shown through their actions that they are nothing but Democrat lemmings, jumping from the Loser cliff time and time again. Dammit, just come out and say that you have a different vision for this country than dead terrorists and tax-cuts. Tell your constituents the damn truth and see if you are ever heard from again. It can't come too soon for me.
Well, here's some of his accomplishments during his jaunt through Senate history: opposed the nomination of John Ashcroft, opposed the nomination of Mary Sheila Gall, worked diligently to save house boat properties by facilitating Army Corps of Engineers grants to dredge at Class Harbor, opposes any nuclear produced power, he's a staunch supporter of doctor assisted suicide (I can't fault that because Oregon has voted FOR it twice), he is FOR price controls on gasoline and petroleum products, is against business of any kind, and hates puppies. More HERE. This site also points out his "close" ties to the last suspect we studied, Maria Cantwell. If you want to see any real accomplishments from a Senator from Oregon, you have to look at the record of Gordon Smith, but he IS Republican. On to part two of this loser.
Born May 3, 1949 in Wichita, Kansas. He attended public school in Palo Alto, California, received a degree from Stanford and stole his JD from the University of Oregon. Here is another Leftist in the long line of Democrat elected officials that has never worked in the private sector.
His jobs include: Various teaching positions at state universities (They don't call it "The Old Resume Stain" for nothing), 1977-79 Director of Oregon Legal Services for the Elderly, 1977-79 Oregon State Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators, 1981-1996 Oregon State Representative, elected to fill Bob Packwood's vacated seat in the Senate in 1996, and then reelected in 1998 and 2004. Oregon, y'all are stuck with this guy until 2010. It must suck to be you.
Here's an interesting revelation in Ronnie's life. For some reason, he and the wife decided to split up in 1998. Wonder why? I can only guess that it must be because he obviously travels to and from Oregon quite a bit, never spent any time with her or the kids, and got caught with his pants down, a noose knotted around his neck, and the back legs of a sheep firmly planted in his knee-high rubber boots. But y'all knew that the Democrat Party was a loose amalgamation of sexual deviants and perverts.
I bet you can't wait to see who is next, it's a big one.
Butcher's Bill of Democrat Senators: Akaka, Daniel-(D-HI), Baucus, Max-(D-MT), Bayh, Evan-(D-IN), Biden, Joseph-(D-DE), Bingaman, Jeff-(D-NM), Boxer, Barbara-(D-CA), Byrd, Robert-(D-WV), Cantwell, Maria-(D-WA), Carper, Thomas-(D-DE), Clinton, Hillary-(D-NY), Conrad, Kent-(D-ND), Corzine, Jon-(D-NJ), Dayton, Mark-(D-MN), Dodd, Christopher-(D-CT), Dorgan, Byron-(D-ND), Durbin, Richard-(D-IL), Feingold, Russell-(D-WI), Feinstein, Dianne-(D-CA), Harkin, Tom-(D-IA), Inouye, Daniel-(D-HI), Jeffords, James-(I-VT), Johnson, Tim-(D-SD), Kennedy, Edward-(D-MA), Kerry, John-(D-MA), Kohl, Herb-(D-WI), Landrieu, Mary-(D-LA), Lautenberg, Frank-(D-NJ), Leahy, Patrick-(D-VT), Levin, Carl-(D-MI), Lieberman, Joseph-(D-CT), Lincoln, Blanche-(D-AR), Mikulski, Barbara-(D-MD),Murray, Patty-(D-WA), Nelson, Bill-(D-FL),Nelson, Ben-(D-NE), Obama, Barack-(D-IL), Pryor, Mark-(D-AR), Reed, Jack-(D-RI), Reid, Harry-(D-NV), Rockefeller, John-(D-WV), Salazar, Ken-(D-CO), Sarbanes, Paul-(D-MD), Schumer, Charles-(D-NY), Stabenow, Debbie-(D-MI), Wyden, Ron-(D-OR).
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