Let's Get the Show on the Road. Patty, as all other Democrat Senators, loves to spend your money. She garnered attention back in Washington by joining with 13,000 other parents to save a local preschool program from budget cuts. After being told by local politicians to go put on some make-up, she was elected to the local school board. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
"Her" website describes her as a "workhorse" not a "showhorse". Man, I have got to try this tactic with the ladies. "Geez, Mildred, you sure aren't a looker, but damn if you can't pull a wagon." I'm guessing that a slap in the face would be in order.
According to pap smeared on "her" site, she has made education her top priority. I guess that's why she went to Washington. Wait, isn't education supposed to be a local issue? Not to be left behind in the stupidity that is the Democrat Party, she also focuses on "Healthcare". In addition to that, she serves on the Transportation Subcommittee, because G_d knows, Amtrak needs another advocate. Do these folks actually think that they deserve a salary?
In a Kerryesque move, Pat mentions three (3) times on "her" About Pat Page that she is the FIRST, FIRST, FIRST woman elected as a Senator from Washington State. What, do you mean the absolute first? Or was there another first woman elected? On to Part Two.
Pat was born October 11, 1950 in Bothell (Pronounced "But-Hell"), Washington. She is one of seven children from a WWII hero and an accountant. Pat conned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Washington State University in 1972. She was an preschool indoctrination specialist for several years and taught at Shoreline Community College from 1984 to 1987. Married, two children, one grandchild. *Yawn*
Being the wonderfully patriotic American, Pat voted AGAINST the Iraq War Resolution and is an avid supporter of Osama Bin Ladin. Pat says, "He's been out in these countries for decades building roads, building schools, building infrastructure, building day care facilities, building health care facilities, and the people are extremely grateful. It made their lives better." Damn good job, Pat, you hate the United States and support our enemies.
Please Democrats, hang your collective heads in shame.
Butcher's Bill of Democrat Senators: Akaka, Daniel-(D-HI), Baucus, Max-(D-MT), Bayh, Evan-(D-IN), Biden, Joseph-(D-DE), Bingaman, Jeff-(D-NM), Boxer, Barbara-(D-CA), Byrd, Robert-(D-WV), Cantwell, Maria-(D-WA), Carper, Thomas-(D-DE), Clinton, Hillary-(D-NY), Conrad, Kent-(D-ND), Corzine, Jon-(D-NJ), Dayton, Mark-(D-MN), Dodd, Christopher-(D-CT), Dorgan, Byron-(D-ND), Durbin, Richard-(D-IL), Feingold, Russell-(D-WI), Feinstein, Dianne-(D-CA), Harkin, Tom-(D-IA), Inouye, Daniel-(D-HI), Jeffords, James-(I-VT), Johnson, Tim-(D-SD), Kennedy, Edward-(D-MA), Kerry, John-(D-MA), Kohl, Herb-(D-WI), Landrieu, Mary-(D-LA), Lautenberg, Frank-(D-NJ), Leahy, Patrick-(D-VT), Levin, Carl-(D-MI), Lieberman, Joseph-(D-CT), Lincoln, Blanche-(D-AR), Mikulski, Barbara-(D-MD),Murray, Patty-(D-WA), Nelson, Bill-(D-FL),Nelson, Ben-(D-NE), Obama, Barack-(D-IL), Pryor, Mark-(D-AR), Reed, Jack-(D-RI), Reid, Harry-(D-NV), Rockefeller, John-(D-WV), Salazar, Ken-(D-CO), Sarbanes, Paul-(D-MD), Schumer, Charles-(D-NY), Stabenow, Debbie-(D-MI), Wyden, Ron-(D-OR).
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