A. a driver in the far right lane with his left blinker on,
B. a driver that was eating what appeared to be a head of lettuce?
C. a person walking a dog in the street on Ridgewood Road. There is a sidewalk on the other side of the road.
D. a violently angry person because a moron stopped at a green light to apply make-up.
As an aside, the asterisk at the car on this drawing shows where you are supposed to drive into the intersection when you have a solid green signal instead of the turn light. That means if the light starts to turn red, you can go through the intersection and not ruin my day, you fat cow.
That was funny.
I recently saw a guy reading the newspaper. We were on a major highway, too.
He had the whole darn thing open and was just reading away.
That was funny.
I recently saw a guy reading the newspaper. We were on a major highway, too.
He had the whole darn thing open and was just reading away.
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