I am terrified of this guy. I believe that he would have a much better chance of winning than Hillary because the Democrats would back him to the hilt to ensure FOREVER their dominance of the Black vote. I am making a huge value judgment here, but the Black population has been misled by everyone that has assumed the helm of the "Black Leadership." These "Leaders" have done nothing to raise the standard of living in Black communities, but they have gotten rich. Futhermore, I cannot fathom why the Republican Party has allowed the racism stigma to be attached to them when for the entire history of the Democrat Party, they are the party of the racists and still are.

That one little media hiccup is what scares me about Barry Obama, the candidate. He will be able to get the media to bend over and basically spread for him because they know that he will deliver the Black vote to the Democrats. And he is too damn stupid to know that they are using him for their BOY. Once the Party of the Racists is elected, they will do the exact same things that they have always done, kill business by lawsuits and taxation to line their own damn pockets, increase unemployment because of that, lose tax income because of that, have to raise taxes because of that, increase unemployment some more because of that, start downsizing the military to make up for that, and damn near collapse the economy of the entire damn world. The group that gets it in the ass the worst will be the poor folks, many of whom are Black. The middle class will survive by cutting back and working more to the detriment of families. That is exactly how it has happened in the past.
Why do you think that there is so much talk of guaranteed income and five thousand dollar savings accounts? It is because the Democrats are fully aware what their fiscal policies do to the poor and they do not give a shit. We, the producers, will be forced to shoulder the burden of their stupidity and the Republican Party has bent over and taken it. That is why I am pissed at Republicans. They are supposed to be Pro-Business, tax cutters, and military supporters. They have not done that recently, not since Reagan, but he was hampered by a Democrat Congress for most of his tenure.
Whoever utters the words, "the Bushes are conservative" has no idea what the word means now. Damn, another one of those words mean something things. That's coming up a lot in my life lately.
My only hope in this scenario is that there are enough of the racists still in the Democrat Party, that haven't been run out by the hippies to the Constitution Party, to keep Barry from winning the nomination and deliver the big states to Clinton. I do not think that she can win against a strong Republican, if we can find one.
Luckily when the lying scumbag from Arkansas got elected, the teabagging and the cocaine crazed lesbian/gay orgies that went on for two years kept them from actually wrecking the country and we had a revolution from the producers because we were scared shitless. It ain't gonna happen this time and that is why I am scared. There is not one single candidate running for President in the Republican Party that can deliver the media except John McCain and the media will turn on him when the general election comes around because they want to grow government. It is job security for them.
Now, who can show me the Republican to beat Barry?
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