Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Two Dogs Trip Down Memory Lane

I went to college. I received a degree. I am Conservative. Professors didn't like me. Those declarative sentences are patently true. I had to go before an appeals board to receive my college degree because my professors drew a line in the sand that I repeated crossed. Freedom of thought was not allowed.

I was going through some old books and found my thesis. Contained in that thesis was a story that we had to write based on our views of what Jackson, Mississippi would become based on our daily observations. Below is my story. If there are any typos, they were in my thesis as well. Let me know what you think.


Jackson was burned. The people were depressed and hungry. Shallow eyes and sagging faces looked from the holes that were originally windows. Only one person didn’t feel the effects, he was too hung over to notice that everyone was in a perpetual state of shock. (No, it wasn't me, damn you.)

The beginning was innocent enough. Unions had lobbied the Council to institute new laws governing wages. The workers thought higher wages for the same work was a good idea. Independent businessmen couldn’t meet the ante and jobs began evaporating. The domino effect occurred with a lightening swiftness.

The intelligentsia had not seen it coming. They spent all their time trying to quell dissention. According to them, only the enlightened people saw the importance of a very powerful government. The leaders of the movement lived in fine houses supported by the same men that those leaders loathed. The elite, enlightened thinkers were self-righteous, but still dependant on the hand that fed them. Many vital people had left town when the movement started. Escaping business owners were bid good riddance because they were too selfish; they were interested in making profits. Money was supposed to belong to everyone. Everyone should know that to make money was sheer evil and these leaders let everyone that tried to turn a profit know that that was unacceptable.

The soup kitchens run by the wives of successful men served over a hundred thousand meals a day. The successful men didn’t like the fact that they were paying for all the sheep to eat, but it kept the wives busy and out of the men’s hair. But profits were down. Didn’t the women understand that money didn’t grow on trees?

As his hangover wore off, Earl began to think of the future when he was in control. His would be a ruthless reign. Earl was patient and waited for the total collapse of freedom. He knew that the people that remained after the flight could be controlled with nothing more than a butter knife. There would little violence once he was in charge. He knew that he was born to lead his people and didn’t understand why no one had seen that. His father was not proud. He had never had a real job and his family was ashamed. They would soon learn how powerful he was.

Earl made his move to take over. He would go to the kitchens, eat his free lunch, and then he would talk to the poor, his disciples. Most were too young to remember schools that existed in most neighborhoods. Many could not read or write and people with less than fourth grade education were the majority. But, in this country, the majority rules. Earl could incite these people in much the same way that the Nazi guy used to overwhelm those other people in that other country. The lazy and uninspired looked at Earl in the same fashion the other people had seen that Nazi guy.

Earl amassed a following. His rise was unprecedented. Within short order, he was Mayor. All of his wishes were fulfilled. Policy was based on class warfare. Taxes on the successful were raised to exorbitant levels, while the lower income earners paid nothing. But sacrifice for the public was good for everyone involved. Everyone knew that, except the truly selfish.

In a country where equality was a good thing, inequality became the soup of the day. Prosperous people were spit on in the streets, their houses were torched. They just did not understand the benefits of the redistribution of wealth. Businesses were closed at an alarming rate. Even the larger churches moved because of the city taxes that were strapping the churches for operating expenses. The city didn’t need religion anyway; didn’t everyone know that the true G_d was the state?

The original leaders of the movement moved on because there were no more rich people to support their habits of fine wine and culture. Earl was the last leader left standing.

Earl was ecstatic. His plan had worked. He was popular and all the wealthy, truly intelligent people had left. He had become that most powerful man in a sensitive, feeling city. There was no violence because the populace was too hungry to fight. There was no robbery because there was nothing left to steal. Hatred was not present because everyone was truly equal.

Nirvana was accomplished at the expense of all intelligence.

The Damn End.


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