First, you have caucuses, elections, and general fraud gathering places. That is where all the "Little Guys" go to vote for their favorite criminal from the Democrat Party. These election "polling" places have workers stationed there that are known for their illegal behavior and intimidation of voters. There have been literally thousands of claims of voter intimidation and fraud involving Democrat primaries in every single state in the nation. There is not one state that does not have thousands of claims, including places that have few people, Alaska, North Dakota, well you understand.
From these "elections," delegates are chosen to be seated at the national convention and you would think that the candidate that receives the most votes would win, huh? Remember the Democrats screaming for every vote to be counted in the general election that Al Gore lost? Well, if you think that the popular vote is the only thing that matters for Democrats, you would be sadly mistaken. Those elections only account for three thousand two hundred fifty-three (3253) delegates.
Democrats have a total of four thousand forty-nine (4,049) delegates at the convention. "Well, where the Hell do the other delegates come from, Two Dogs?"
Well, Moonbeam, SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-SIX (796) SUPERDELEGATES! This number comprises almost twenty percent(20%)of delegates for the Party of the "Little Guy." Every single Democrat Congressman, all former Democrat Presidents, all former Democrat Vice Presidents, all former Democrat Leaders of the U.S. Senate, all former Democrat Speakers of the U.S. House of Representatives and Democrat Minority Leaders, and all former Chairs of the Democrat National Committee, Democrat governors, various additional elected officials, all members of the DNC, and various other state and local representatives, all have the same pull as a single "Little Guy" delegate. How else do you keep the Blacks from taking over? I mean, Blacks make up almost fifty percent of the party, why have we no Black President yet?
Please do remember, the Democrats are the party of "you are too stupid to know what's best for you, so we will decide." And, oddly enough, they practice what they preach by not letting the voters in their own damn primaries decide who THEY want for President.
But, you must admit, Democrats, you want choices, because you are also the "Party of Choice." It is just ironic that people, other than you, do the choosing.
Oh, and remember how great a President Bill Clinton was and ran his first go around on "Middle Class Tax Cuts?" Here's a snip from his first speech after getting elected on that platform: (Hat-Tip: Republic of Biloxi)
To middle class Americans who have paid a great deal for the last 12 years and from whom I ask a contribution tonight, I will say again as I did on Monday night: You’re not going alone any more, you’re certainly not going first, and you’re not going to pay more for less as you have too often in the past. I want to emphasize the facts about this plan: 98.8 percent of America’s families will have no increase in their income tax rates, only 1.2 percent at the top.
Not getting an increase qualifies as a "CUT" to the Clintons.
After you try to find information to discredit this post, and fail, I might add, please take the time to comment.

Or if you want to argue that is not the case, then I have your answer on "Why Daddy is a Democrat." It is because he is a Birkenstock-wearing, flag-burning, kiddie-porn-reading, vegan. And because his seven hundred pound hog of a wife with hair bushing out from under her arms told his skinny, sackless ass to vote for the Democrats so she could get free abortions because she got pregnant while screwing around with all the crack dealers that she sleeps with on a regular basis while he is working at the factory cleaning machines because he lost a bet with his one friend that actually has a job.
What I would really like to know is why the Earth, when it feels good, looks just like Michael Moore according to the morons that wrote this crap? I would think that the Earth would feel like seventy thousand tons of shit in a tube sock if it looked like Michael Moore. But, seriously, these are the most intelligent tomes ever penned in the history of Democrats because they are simply moronic drivel that never stoop to the usual stupidity of Democrats, like, uh, Memories from my Father.
HOLY SHIT! These were written by a dude. Wait, never mind, it could just be a woman named "Jeremy." You know, those ambiguous "gender" roles play well in the Leftist camp.
Tell you what,YOU made the allegation of thousands of cases of Democrat voter fraud in every state in the nation. Even in places like North Dakota. Which just happens to be where I live.
So...YOU prove it's true. And while you're at it; you might want to work up a defense for Shrub's 'Just-us' Dept. pressuring Federal District Attorney's to announce investigations/indictments for bogus voter fraud cases pushed for by Republican Reps/Senators.
Except this is NO defense. You're really long on opinion and just that short on facts. You grew up listening to Limbaugh didn't you?
And if you want to talk about 'Memories of Daddy' : mine are of hard working man who was a life-long FDR Democrat and WWII Pacific Theatre combat vet. What are yours?
Hey, I wrote an article about you, Senator Conrad!
Well, maybe it's not the most glowing review of a Senator. Sorry, I did not know that Jessie was going to come to my blog every damn week because of that post or I would have pulled punches, it would have been hard though. Do you realize that you have literally done nothing since you were elected? And never have I seen someone "Google" their name as much as your daughter. Weird.
And actually, I have posted many times of my opinion of Rush Limbaugh, he is an entertainer, much like 90% of your party's backers, well except that your's do not know that they are entertaining to all us normal folks. I actually grew up during the time that your party was keeping Blacks from enjoying civil rights, you party of the little guy, you.
Also, the reason that I can speak with authority on Barry Obama's slap in the face to his mother, is because I come from a broken home where my father ran out on us, just like Barry's did and I would never ridicule my mother like he did. You know, he did come back and profusely apologize to his mother in the preface of later issues, even he knew what he did was scummy. Par for the course from Democrats, though.
Okay, I will publish the charges from your state. Damn, you would think that you of all people would have that at hand, so you could continue to get elected while actually doing nothing.
As a favor, would you explain to me how you could promise to not run for reelection if the budget was not balanced in your first term and then simply run for the other seat? You know, technically you kept your promise, but don't you think that people thought that you were going to literally keep your promise?
Oh, and thank your daddy for his service for me. Salute.
USS Excalibur rules!
Hey, I wrote an article about you, Senator Conrad!
Well, maybe it's not the most glowing review of a Senator. Sorry, I did not know that Jessie was going to come to my blog every damn week because of that post or I would have pulled punches, it would have been hard though. Do you realize that you have literally done nothing since you were elected? And never have I seen someone "Google" their name as much as your daughter. Weird.
And actually, I have posted many times of my opinion of Rush Limbaugh, he is an entertainer, much like 90% of your party's backers, well except that your's do not know that they are entertaining to all us normal folks. I actually grew up during the time that your party was keeping Blacks from enjoying civil rights, you party of the little guy, you.
Also, the reason that I can speak with authority on Barry Obama's slap in the face to his mother, is because I come from a broken home where my father ran out on us, just like Barry's did and I would never ridicule my mother like he did. You know, he did come back and profusely apologize to his mother in the preface of later issues, even he knew what he did was scummy. Par for the course from Democrats, though.
Okay, I will publish the charges from your state. Damn, you would think that you of all people would have that at hand, so you could continue to get elected while actually doing nothing.
As a favor, would you explain to me how you could promise to not run for reelection if the budget was not balanced in your first term and then simply run for the other seat? You know, technically you kept your promise, but don't you think that people thought that you were going to literally keep your promise?
Oh, and thank your daddy for his service for me. Salute.
USS Excalibur rules!
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