I am about to undertake a complete overhaul of this blog and maybe relocate to a more appropriate location. I want to make the interface more reader friendly and stuff. Gimme your thoughts on what new stuff that you want.
The main thing that I want to add is one of those "new comment bubbles" and I might add another sidebar on the left. Lemme know what you thinks.
What's your favorite color? Mine is #ff4500.
There are plenty of Recent Comments widgets around. The one I use came from bvibes.com, but I'll be damned if I can find it again. Good luck!
By comment bubble you don't mean those "Snap" thingys that pop up when you roll the cursor over it do you? I hate those things. They're such a pest and pesky intrusion.
'Course it's your blog to do with that you want. I can't complain.
David, I too abhor the snap thingy. You can turn them off, but if you dump your history and passwords through scheduling or firewall, they turn right back on. Damn, I hate those things.
Naw, I mean one of those latest comment bubbles on the sidebar. Where you can instananeously see what post is being commenting on the most. You know as way as I , the conversation is the important thing. Traffic is great in and of itself, but the dialogue is the most important to me. I think that I am going to start spending a little more time with this blog and getting a little more contraversial with the content. Ha!
By comment bubble you don't mean those "Snap" thingys that pop up when you roll the cursor over it do you? I hate those things. They're such a pest and pesky intrusion.
'Course it's your blog to do with that you want. I can't complain.
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