Story and image from Y'all Politics.
What the dumbass Childers is saying is that since Greg Davis, the mayor of Southaven said that he had no objection to erecting a statue to honor Jefferson Davis, DEMOCRAT!!!, that Greg Davis is a racist.
Oh, I see, the Republican candidate, since he doesn't oppose placing a statue of a Democrat on the town square, is a racist and supports the Klan. Uh, that opinion is absolutely beyond all comprehension.
Did I mention that Jefferson Davis was a DEMOCRAT, just like almost all of the Klan is DEMOCRAT, just like almost all of the racist Dixiecrats remained DEMOCRATS? Just like West Virginia will go for Hillary today because they even have a KLAN MEMBER representing them in the Senate to this day? Robert Byrd (Dumbass-WV) was a recruiter for the damn Klan and now he is regarded as the "conscience" of the Democrat Party.
Really folks, you just cannot make this stuff up. You have to be a complete moron to be a Democrat.
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Update: This story has been linked on Michele Malkin's blog. Thanks for the link, Mrs. Malkin.
MUD pointed out that I did not really show how Childers linked Davis to the KKK. there is certainly more to this story on Y'all Politics, Alan Lange is doing his damn job to the utmost. Go read his stuff, he is much more in the game than I am, I just rant, you know.
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