Being in the field of architecture, I have had the opportunity to meet many artists or wannabe artists. For the most part, ALL of them are Leftists, Socialists, or deviants and they went to architecture school because they knew that creating their "art" would not put food on the damn table. Because they suck. Rarely do you see any exhibits that are normal landscapes, watercolors, or sculptures. The weirder the better.
A sixteen inch Michelin tire on a pedestal? Awesome! A crucifix in a jar of urine? How creative! Paintings done using only the blood from your self induced abortions? Now you have my attention and respect!

This? Holy shit, you gotta be kidding me. An average looking man with a Brahma Bull? Come on dude, the only way that you would get me to the museum to see this is if there were forty Japanese men performing bukkake on this bull while stabbing him with swords. Live and in color. And wearing the San Diego Chicken costume, while singing the aria from
The Magic Flute. It's soprano, by the way. It is too lame, Homer. N-O-R-M-A-L. And it shows an actual understanding of the medium, planning and care, a great amount of talent or craft, and realism. It's got realism by the buckboard load. *Yawn*
*Scroll Down*

Oh wait, there's another room of material from this same artist? Holy.....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
I salute you, Stere Grant. Check out the rest of the artist's
Barry Obama might not like this. You do not want the Obamessiah angry.
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