Ray has worked the Macy's candy counter, fresh foods, and opened a fresh food store in the Big Asshole. So, she kinda has some idea about what food is. This sets her apart from the rest of the entire subset of humans somehow, I just can't figure the exact way.
To the lawsuit. Aaron Ferguson, an accountant for some of the goings on of Ms. Ray, says that he was forced from her employ because he has an eating disorder, namely anorexia. Story HERE. While I have absolutely no experience with a single human being that I have ever known that suffers from this malady, I am quite certain that being a failure at eating would be terrible.
Ferguson said that he filed his suit because folks on the show exhibited "hostile behavior" and made "vile," discriminatory and hurtful comments.
Here's an example of that above stated behavior. "Anorexics are sick in the head...."
Just reading that line made me ball up in the corner, start immediately thumb sucking while peeing on my belly. I cannot fathom what Ferguson must have felt while actually hearing someone speak words that are singularly the most disgusting words ever spoken by mankind.
Let me just say in no uncertain terms, Bean says stuff to me that is more harsh than that when I am clearly in a bad mood. You know why? Because she knows that I have what is known as a brain and I possess a damn backbone.
Here's the money shot from the above article, "He was punished for complaining." I have to say that what I read about his lawsuit, he was fired because he was a little nancy-boy that whined loudly about people talking about someone with an eating disorder and he worked for a COOKING SHOW!
Dammit, boy, let me go get your purse and shawl outta the truck. We have become a nation of sissies that cannot even go to damn work without getting our feelings hurt. Gimme a million dollars because you made fun of me. (My son's grandfather has Parkinsons. Every time that I am around him, I make comments like this: "Here, shake this up," while handing him a glass of chocolate milk. Never has he tried to sue me. Somehow, this behavior seems harsh in the light of Fancy-Pant's lawsuit.)
On this day, in 1776, a bunch of guys signed a Declaration of Independence (which was passed on July 2, 1776, story HERE) from the country that was the most powerful military power on the planet. They knew in doing so, that they would be forced to sacrifice every single one of their possessions and quite possibly lose their entire family in the sure to come battle for freedom. I bet Benjamin Franklin would have cried and then sued you if you told him that his glasses and skullet were somewhat unattractive.
Please take the time to comment.
(Hat-Tip: Hoosier Army Mom)
Rachael looks familiar, kinda like Diana Ross. She's cute, in a manufactured way, but something about my feeling this toward her is.......well......kinda unsettling. Help me TWO DOGS. Why do I feel icky right now?
AM, you are going to be fine unless you are a twelve year old boy with really weird parents living in Southern California.
Rachael looks familiar, kinda like Diana Ross. She's cute, in a manufactured way, but something about my feeling this toward her is.......well......kinda unsettling. Help me TWO DOGS. Why do I feel icky right now?
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