Anyhoo, one of those updates that appeared today is yet another in the very long line of Barry's affiliations with really bad people, not that you could tell by reading the article. Of course if you read "Dreams from my Father," like I did, you were already aware that Barry is a tee-total moron and worships at the altar of Socialism. Well, at least that is what he published in 1995. Please keep in mind that Barry is NOT twenty years old today, he will be forty-seven on Monday, August 4. He is NOT going to grow out of his stupidity anytime soon, he is OLD, is the consummate politician for morons, and is lying every single day about his beliefs. He is a Leftist and admits that wholeheartedly, IF you read what he wrote instead of getting your news from the Barrystream Media.
To the ARTICLE from AP:
"Writer offered a young Barack Obama advice on life"
At key moments in his adolescence, Barack Obama could not turn to a father he hardly knew. (Ed Note: Barry did not know his father at all.) Instead, he looked to a left-leaning black journalist and poet for advice on living in a world of black and white.
The "writer" in question is one Frank Marshall Davis. "Uncle Frank" to Barry. And "left-leaning" means avowed Communist and vehement anti-capitalist. So, Uncle Frank was "left-leaning." Davis' friends included Richard Wright, a Communist, and Davis joined the Communist Party of the United States in 1943. I think from the fact that Davis hung out with Richard Wright and was a member of the Communist Party, we can safely assume that Davis was a Communist. Of course, the national news media would say otherwise. He was "left-leaning."
Uncle Frank was Barry's ONE SOLE source on politics and economics in his formative years and Uncle Frank also taught Barry what it was like to be black. You know, since Barry lived with his white grandparents who were obviously dumb as a bag of hammers. You cannot dispute that Barry's entire family was comprised of morons, I have proven it on numerous occasions.
Uncle Frank, being Barry's sole source of "manhood" was also a vehement anti-capitalist. Uncle Frank taught Barry exactly what Barry believes and states repeatedly now. You know, like Barry wanting to tax oil companies to pay for the increased costs of petroleum products because of taxes on petroleum products. (Go back and reread that last sentence a couple of times, yes, it is a whopper of a paradox, but it is EXACTLY what Barry has said recently and believes to his core. You know, because he is a moron.)
Fun Fact: Exxon paid THREE times as much in taxes as it collected in profits for this last quarter. That E-V-I-L oil company!
Oh Hell, I gotta stop this, just watch today's video of the highly articulate and intelligent Move-On Barry Voter....You are probably going to immediately ask, "What in the Hell was the little girl's name?" It is "Eden." You know, like the garden, even though they pronounce it some weird way. And the fun part about this is that Move-On thinks that this video HELPS their cause. Holy crap, Move-On has to search high and low in order to find people that sound this friggin' stupid. Maybe Mom is just drunk or has had an accident that caused extensive brain damage. Poor little Eden shall be yet another in the long, continuing line of riders. Pity.
I simply cannot believe the way that this mother talks to her eight year old daughter. (And how hard Nichole hits herself in the chest at the beginning, either. That was stuh-range.) Please remember that at the age of eight, most of us were not this childish and insane, we were responsible children that could perform intricate mathematics and also could articulate clearly abstract theories, but poor Eden has parents that obviously met at the nervous hospital and have single digit IQs.
Nichole McStupidass says, "Dance classes in public school are more important than abolishing terrorism."
Also note, that Eden and her idiot mom, Nichole, obviously live with the Suplinas in the same loft apartment that is seen in the first Moron video BELOW.
Oooooo. They're Black, I'm a racist!
Oblahblah is building an excellent case for not winning in November ;)
I sure hope they make the ballots easy to understand for the idiots though. I don't want those Barry voters to wind up voting for Pat Buchanan instead. Maybe the printers just need to put Barry's name on a certain ballot by itself.
I have yet to meet or listen to anyone who would vote for BHO that does not exhibit some signs of mental retardation, anxiety, depression or clinical insanity. As our country becomes more saturated with people who need treatment and refuse to get it we will continue to hear ever increasing calls for more "health care" based on the hardship of spending all of ones money for "one bag of groceries".
Arcticman, I agree with your assessment, now how do we convince the retarded NOT to vote?
I pray that we still out number them.
It really defies my ability to understand how so many Obama supporters can continue to overlook his radical views and those who inculcated him with their Marxist poison.
RV, maybe, just maybe, they are Marxist as well? He is a Democrat, supported by Democrats, you know.
It really defies my ability to understand how so many Obama supporters can continue to overlook his radical views and those who inculcated him with their Marxist poison.
Oblahblah is building an excellent case for not winning in November ;)
I pray that we still out number them.
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