Friday, September 26, 2008

Drive by Blogging

The Leftist Moronosphere is coughing up their collectivist skulls about a video showing Sarah Palin getting prayed for by Pastor Thomas Muthee from Kenya. The Morons are making a big fat hairy deal about Muthee mentioning the word "witchcraft!" He is from Kenya, you morons, they are kinda into that crap in Idiotland.

Watch this video and be prepared to get scared out of your wits! It is terrifying.

Please take the time to comment.

And an FYI, Joe Biden has modified that Pittsburg Steelers story, he took out the "Championship" comment and just railroaded Rocky Bleier. Rocky couldn't be reached for comment. Just so you know, Rocky Bleier was a Vietnam War vet that came home and played for the Steelers. My guess is that he doesn't want to have to go on record as saying that Joe Biden is an lying, stinky, brown assplug with hairplugs. I do not blame Rocky in the least. I am not linking the damn story about that lying-ass meatsicle hole, Joe Biden. But, HERE's my prior post about that incident from Captain Gaffetastic!