We are in the very middle of the largest bailout of businesses in the history of the planet, well excluding countries that are/were Communist. Who is responsible? Obviously, we cannot narrow it down to one person, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to put a name to the main fellow/fellowess that was responsible? I have.
Barry Obama. I know that you are coughing up your spine right now because we all know that Barry is the Second Coming, but hear me out because it is true.
Who was the head of Barry's VP exploratory committee? Jim Johnson was and he had to resign. Why? Well, he kinda was the head of Fannie Mae and sorta messed it up, plus some mortgage craziness. Guess where he worked before royally screwing the pooch at Fannie Mae? Yep, Lehman Brothers. Guess who is one of Johnson best friends? Angelo Mozilo. Who the Hell? The head guy at Countrywide Mortgage.
And I almost forgot Frank Raines! He is the former chairman and chief executive officer of Fannie Mae who served as White House budget director under President Bill Clinton.
And he's in deep shit with mortgage problems, too. To the tune of getting sued for almost 200 million smackers!
And guess what those three guys do today?
They head up Barry Obama's team in charge of his economic policy. Look out, YO!
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Can't argue with any of that.!Cold, hard facts. Good stuff.
But it's okay - McCain's apparently the one who's 'inexperienced' economically.
Can't argue with any of that.!Cold, hard facts. Good stuff.
But it's okay - McCain's apparently the one who's 'inexperienced' economically.
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