Friday, September 05, 2008

Update on My Friend (that obviously has no brain)

Y'all remember me talking about my friend that went to trade her car in and found out that she didn't own her car, that it was a lease? Excerpt from an actual conversation, TODAY.

Her: I am so mad at you.

Me: Uh, why?

Her: When I took my computer that place you told me about, they wanted money to fix it!

Me: .......uh, yeah? Really?

Her: They want ninety dollars!

Me: .......uh, yeah? Really? I guess that you would expect Goodyear to replace your tires for free, too, huh?

Her: Well, I didn't think about that.

Me: Where's your helmet?

Please take the time to comment.


Jay@Soob said...

Lol! And where's her bib and woobie.

Jay@Soob said...

Lol! And where's her bib and woobie.