Trust me, that is the ONLY explanation that they could possibly have for introducing this mode of tranporation. They have also decided that each car will come with a free Fleshlight, because they know that once you purchase this car, you have removed any and all chances that you ever had of getting laid.
Who needs sex when you can drive this car and increase the life of the planet and make it that much damn longer that you should live without any in-out, in-out?
Did you ever think that you would ever see anything that would make a moped look manly?
Please take the time to comment.
Dang, I don't like square cars but this is taking it about fifty steps too far the other direction. Good Lord it's ugly.
Yes it is and could you imagine yourself dating a dude that came to pick you up in that piece of crap?
Um... no. It's not a Ford or European. Makes him not worth my time. ;P
I don't know. Do they want to make baby killing illegal, or just completely unnecessary?
Welp Denise, we know that if you are driving this car, the chances of your gene pool continuing are greatly reduced, unless it is with like un-minded individuals. And if you find that person, your kids are going to unattractive as a general rule.
I am vehemently opposed to ugly children.
Oh my gosh you crack me up! And Miss Smartie Pants is now commenting on your blog! I hope her Daddy never reads it! Her Mama's been here and we had a good laugh about her not needing a perm after reading some of your posts over lunch the other day! Hmmmmm... maybe is some of us girlie girls gang up on you we can clean up some of your language!
No. I don't proof read my comments until after they post. Sorry. IF some of us girlie girls...
don't click on 'Fleshlight' if you are at work. i did. just sayin.
hahahahahaha! I was expecting to see a bunch of clowns start piling out.
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