These were taken at the head of the reservoir right where the Pearl River dumps in at Highway 43. This is looking south toward the big water. This whole area for the next two miles heading south is the trot line part of the res. No skiing. I couldn't catch a fish in the bathtub with a box phone, so I haven't spent much time in this part except for passing through.

This is the north side of Highway 43 looking at the head bay from the river. As you can see, the water is almost like glass. It would have been a good day for skiing. Just a little chilly out of the water, though. This pier is built like a "Y" with the foot connected to the bank and the two arms spreading out into the water. If they would have just built two straight piers, they could have dredged between them and made a boat launch. Strange.

I mean seriously, there was not a single soul out today, but that was okay for me. I don't like people anyway. I bet this pier that I was standing on has never held more than three folks ever. The cobwebs went from side to side giving me the impression that no one had been down the pier in months. Stupid people.
I think that I am going to drive up the Trace tomorrow to Ratliff Ferry. That is some good scenery. You will like that. Or not.
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Is ya a Cracker OR a Redneck? I thinks they's two different breeds...heh.
Aunty, I'll leave that decision up to people much smarter than me. Both, maybe?
Aunty, I'll leave that decision up to people much smarter than me. Both, maybe?
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