One sentence thoughts al la Glenn Reynolds.
This restaurant DOESN'T LIKE MO MO.
Shower HEAVEN.
Real Estate brokers shouldn't design BUSINESS CARDS.
Where is the worst place to be an architect today? CHICAGO.
Where do you go if you want to be a victim of violence? Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba? Try CHICAGO. It's the new Detroit.
The Customer is always a) a moron b) dumb as nails c) NOT ALWAYS RIGHT.
Al Gore gets hired on at the CATHOLIC DACHSHUND SHIPPING DEPOT. (Winner of the 2008 Most Bizarre Photograph Award!)
A minimalist's guide to USING TWITTER FUNLY.
TWITTER TOYS. Merry Kwanzaa.
Here's a link to a linkdump of SPINNING BUILDINGS. This ain't The View in Manhattan, neither.
Well, he's the one that CALLS HIMSELF AN IDIOT. Weird philosophy and strange architecture collide. UPDATE: No, if the author of this article intended to imply that the reader of his article was an idiot, he would have called it, "A Guide to Architecture for Idiots." Since he did not use that wording, the title means that the writer of the guide is an idiot. Learn sentence diagramming, sir.
Finally, Roark's speech. (Cooper was certainly not the person to play Roark. Sorry.)
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