The rainbow sign on the front that reads, "Hell, Yes!" tells the observer of this stacked up pile of shit where they can find the architects.
SANAA*, the architecture firm, received a recognition from Conde' Nast for the building as one of the "New Seven Wonders of the World!" It seems that "wonder" is no longer defined in the positive. Using a word in its proper meaning is one of the first things to go as the world slides more and more to its apocalyptic demise. The only positive thing about the article in Conde' Nast is that apparently they are not talking about the aesthetics of the building since they posted no photographs at all of the new seven wonders.

I follow the philosophy that if you are going to try to honor the art of the contemporaries, where better to put it than in the whore district of Manhattan? The fact that this building was constructed in this manner and in this location is a friggin' crime.
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* By the way, SANAA means "work of art" in Swahili, even though the firm is a couple of drugged out filthies in Japan. And the link takes you to the single dumbest interview in the history of the world! But, since the name is from a Swahili word, there is your daily Kwanzaa connection!
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