Friday, January 09, 2009

Uh, NO?

Excerpt from an actual e-mail thread:

Co-Worker: I know you are super busy...but I just now noticed that the Eukanuba dog food bags have a picture of a jazz musician on the side...did you know that?

Me: Uh, NO?

(This is kinda like saying, excuse me, Mr. Surgeon, I know that you are elbow deep in that guy's chest right now, but is there a bus stop near this hospital?)

Please take the time to comment.


ChristinaJade said...

yeah. that's random.

Paul Mitchell said...

And that is definitely how to make a Bean.

Anonymous said...

He He! I love it. I just wrote my post for tomorrow and it is conversations of this sort with my kids.

Paul Mitchell said...

If I actually wrote down the conversations that I had with my boy, y'all would call Child Protective Services on me. I'll pass.

SouperBean said...

your example isn't good it's more like "this is kinda like saying 'Hey you have a beautiful house, did you see the alien yesterday?"

Two Dogs said...

If I actually wrote down the conversations that I had with my boy, y'all would call Child Protective Services on me. I'll pass.