In case you are not paying attention, the election of Barry Obama has destroyed our economy. His fecklessness and inexperienced and childish mentality has caused investors to flee the oncoming DOOM. The luckiest thing for us working people to happen is for the Supreme Court to take up the "naturalized citizenship" issue right this minute and get this moron out of government. He is POISON to wealth and success. He must be stopped at all costs before our country becomes like his birth place, Kenya.
I have been watching the Dow-Jones Industrial Average as a sign of what investors think of the financial ideology of our new moron president. It is telling. On the day that Barry was elected, the Dow stood at 9625.28. Today, the Dow stands at 7338.11, a difference of 2287.17. In other words, our top thirty largest companies have lost almost a quarter of their value, twenty four percent actually. This loss cannot be attributed to anything that has happened in the market before Barry, because the market was already unstable, but since his election, the market has ONLY headed one way, DOWN. (UPDATE: 7276.15, a full 25% in the time I wrote this post.)
The fact remains that last year as the election rolled closer, more businesses than ever in the history of our country, relocated and re-incorporated outside of our borders. There is ONLY one reason they did that, to avoid the catastrophe that is a leftist, moonbat administration that doesn't understand freedom and the NEED for companies to make a profit.
Since Barry was sworn in, there has not been one single move by his feckless administration to IMPROVE anything. The ideology of his government is that the answer lies in GOVERNMENT, not freedom and individuality. Yes, we knew these things, but folks wanted the black guy. Too bad that the first Halfrican American president is going to surpass even Jimmy Carter's terrible administration in FAIL.
Maybe in another one hundred years, we will decide to elect another black man to a position of responsibility, but that is not likely to happen in my lifetime or yours.
Why? What governments around the world does the Obamoron's administration actually support? ALL OF OUR ENEMIES.
AND today is the birthday of the wealthy philanthropist that gave Barry Obama a way to hook up with his buddy, terrorist William Ayers and make bank. Leonore Annenberg was born on this day in 91 BB. She was the wife of Walter Annenberg, who formed the Annenberg Foundation that created the Annenberg Challege, the complete and utter failure of a project that virtually DESTROYED Chicago's public school system and made Barry Obama a rich man without ever having to accomplish anything. Barry Obama got rich stealing money from Chicago area school kids and that is the fault of a very conservative, wealthy man, who didn't take control of his money and let others decide the stupid ways they could blow his fortune.
Barry got rich by using a wealthy WHITE guy's money to screw over poor people. And now, he is going to accomplish for the whole country what he accomplished for those poor inner-city kids. Let's just call him, "President FAILBOAT." What a fucking PRESIDENT!
Barry is a monkey.
The dissenter in Oklahoma has some stuff to say about the Obamoron's jack-booted thugs.
In another President FAILBOAT article, his former employer, ACORN, shows exactly what our country is going to be like when the MORONS are in control. Zimbabwe-esque. The President's very own philosophical brethren are stealing and looting in the name of RACE.
And inflation JUMPS LIKE CRAZY IN JANUARY. Jimmah Carter II! YAY!!!!
Moonbat, George Lucas, turns against his Obamessiah and tells us that Barry is an idiot. Wow, Lucas has figured that out a little late don't you think?
Katie Couric kinda disagrees with all intelligence, mathematics, and knowledge. SHOCKER!
And the United States press still refuses to practice their First Amendment responsibilities. The Barrystream Media is now another arm of the state. And that is probably why The New York Times stock is golden, baby.
More Barrystream Media malpractice.
Finally, finally, finally, the intelligent folks have had enough and are taking to the streets, an area formerly occupied only by unwashed hippie morons. Tea Party, anyone?
Are even the Republicans returning to the ideology of fiscal responsibility? Some folks say, "Yes."
What exactly could you buy with the money spent in the Welfare for Welfare Bill? Quite a few things actually.
President FAILBOAT decides to let the EPA eradicate people. YES, really. And President FAILBOAT leads the list of most expensive catastrophes in history.
If Barry and his mental midget buddies have their way, all architecture shall resemble things built in the sub-African desert back in the early 1900s. Architects are idiots.
A conservative named "Moon." Yes, I laughed because I know a few people that talk like that. And I have a good friend that uses the word "lagniappe" all the time. (Yes, you can use The Google to find out what "lagniappe" means if you are uncultured.)
Coulter debates Behar, a lesson in whuppity-ass.
Israel decides that they shall eschew Moonbattery. Welcome back, Bibi, you were missed.
Now, it seems that individual states are kinda telling the federal government what they can and cannot do. Kinda Tenth Amendment like, don't you think?
I shall be busy for the rest of the day getting my supplies ready and stuff buried and hidden in my yard. I do hope that the rest of my people are taking care of the same things. It is a battleground out there, arm yourselves.
Please take the time to comment.
Money buried in the back yard in a tin-can. Sounds like the 1930s.
Seriously though, I agree that everything he's done thus far in his short tenure at el Presidente has been a big recipe for disaster.
I agree he is really really ignorant and he forgets that American Business is his bread and butter. I am a small business owner and I have let all of my people go. I also will not under any circumstances look to hire anyone else or expand in any way until a pro-capitalist President is back in the White House.
The current economic crisis was engineered by Reagan and Bush 2 and the congresses that overspent while they were in office.
Obama isn't helping it, but he didn't start it.
Hey to the new people!
Comrade Tovya, Barry is certainly trying to crush Capitalism, but is he really that stupid? In my opinion, Obama is quite possibly the dumbest person to ever be our president.
WardawgUSMC, I have made the same decision, I shall NOT employ a single person under today's business restrictions and shall keep my business as tight as possible until President Moron and the gaggle of Hill Morons are gone.
OSO, Reagan brought the economy back from the Jimmy Carter stupidity, how can anyone that is NOT insane blame today's economic woes on Reagan? And the problems that W. Bush gave us was signing the ridiculously stupid minimum wage increases sent to him by none other than the Democrat Congress and not FORCING Fannie and Freddie to follow competent business practices. If you blame W. Bush for this economic seriousness, you have no idea how money works, just stick with basket weaving.
Lastly to skip the TWELVE years between those two, proves that you are not seriously considering anything and not even attempting to see things for what they are. I have no idea why you would even care living in Australia, anyway. Oh wait, is it because the United States is the catalyst for every other country in the world? Damn right it is.
As far as the economic downturn is concerned, Barry secured the nomination seriously around March, the Dow was over five thousand points higher then. Coincidence? Yeah, if you are stupid.
Capitalism RULEZ, Barry drools.
Money buried in the back yard in a tin-can. Sounds like the 1930s.
Seriously though, I agree that everything he's done thus far in his short tenure at el Presidente has been a big recipe for disaster.
I agree he is really really ignorant and he forgets that American Business is his bread and butter. I am a small business owner and I have let all of my people go. I also will not under any circumstances look to hire anyone else or expand in any way until a pro-capitalist President is back in the White House.
Hey to the new people!
Comrade Tovya, Barry is certainly trying to crush Capitalism, but is he really that stupid? In my opinion, Obama is quite possibly the dumbest person to ever be our president.
WardawgUSMC, I have made the same decision, I shall NOT employ a single person under today's business restrictions and shall keep my business as tight as possible until President Moron and the gaggle of Hill Morons are gone.
OSO, Reagan brought the economy back from the Jimmy Carter stupidity, how can anyone that is NOT insane blame today's economic woes on Reagan? And the problems that W. Bush gave us was signing the ridiculously stupid minimum wage increases sent to him by none other than the Democrat Congress and not FORCING Fannie and Freddie to follow competent business practices. If you blame W. Bush for this economic seriousness, you have no idea how money works, just stick with basket weaving.
Lastly to skip the TWELVE years between those two, proves that you are not seriously considering anything and not even attempting to see things for what they are. I have no idea why you would even care living in Australia, anyway. Oh wait, is it because the United States is the catalyst for every other country in the world? Damn right it is.
As far as the economic downturn is concerned, Barry secured the nomination seriously around March, the Dow was over five thousand points higher then. Coincidence? Yeah, if you are stupid.
Capitalism RULEZ, Barry drools.
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