Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Saturday Week in Review (with commentary!)

Sorry folks, I have allowed this blog to fall into disrepair over the past couple of weeks. That is not necessarily a bad thing because it keeps my creative juices ginned up to throw out venom at the drop of a hat. (And it does wonders for my mixed metaphors, too!)

Because us "rightwing extremists" are so hate-filled, angry, and bigoted, you know. The little dip in output has let my HATE bubble over.

The first thing that I want to link is this video that TxMarko sent in from our Republic of Tejas headquarters. Here we see Mississippi native Annie Jenkins giving a deposition in a little court hearing. Oddly enough, Ms Jenkins is well known in the local music circuit, but I was unaware of her fame having been out of the loop for quite some time. Stein hoist to the Long-Haired Engineer for giving me a little update on her.

In a closely related note, another incoherent rambling from someone of dubious intelligence and limited communication skills, we see panty-wearing Clinton booty-boy, James Carville, slaughter the English language with his brand of lunacy concerning the tax day Tea Parties.

You shall also recall that right before the FREE CITIZENS organized a grassroots protest on tax day, the federal government released a Department of Homeland Security report basically trashing ANYONE with any intelligence. Strangely, some of our elected officials want to see the DATA used to arrive at the conclusions. My guess is that there is NO DATA. Leftists hate facts, science, math, and physics.

And we had Earth Day, too. Most folks know how silly the environmental nutbasket ideology is with regards to science, but this takes the silliness to a new level.

On another related note, today is "Malaria Day." Dumb people are contributing money to send mosquito nets to poor folks all over the globe. It is just like Leftards to ignore the PROBLEM and try to attack a symptom of it. SEND DDT INSTEAD. KILL THE MOSQUITOES instead of allowing them to continue to live, you morons.

Now, the biggest story of the entire week has been the Obamoron's administration releasing documents in the attempt to make it easier for Muslims to kill us. Torture. Torture. Torture. While I keep trying to place this HIGHLY POLITICAL move in the context of NOT being an idiot, it just will not fit. Here's what waterboarding one of the Muslims accomplished.

Andy has a great post on that "torture memo" release. It is really obvious that some people understand this Muslim problem and want to use DDT to kill the mosquitoes instead of just keeping them at bay for the time being with United Nations resolutions.

NOW, the philosophical argument in SUPPORT of waterboarding terrorists.

Leftists must marginalize the MORAL SUPERIORITY of the United States. Their entire ideology (or lack thereof) rests upon the premise that right and wrong do NOT exist. This premise reaches much, much farther than most people are willing to admit. We simply do NOT want to accept the fact that people exist that HATE life and other people. But, that is the truth.

Those of us that follow a path that is developed from a standpoint of intelligence accept some very basic premises to arrive at our philosophy. One of those premises is that violence is never to be initiated BY US. We do understand that there exist people that do not adhere to our principles, but we also recognize that we must adhere to THEIRS when we are forced to do so.

Let me say this, "Waterboarding is TORTURE." I do not necessarily believe that, but the statement must be made to support my opinion and thoughts on the concept. The next premise is that TORTURE may be morally right in certain circumstances that are FORCED by one's ENEMIES.

There exists a definitive RIGHT and a definitive WRONG. The Muslims hijacking planes and flying them into occupied buildings on Manhattan falls into one of those categories. The left does NOT believe that the Muslims were WRONG in killing people living their daily lives. Couple that opinion with the NEED to continually tear down our country and you have the ultimate recipe for failure.

The left believes that anything that the United States does is inherently BAD. And conversely, all other countries are inherently GOOD, unless they side with the United States. Hence, the automatic leftist jizzing of skivvies when Obama apologizes for the United States of America's RIGHTEOUSNESS to all of our ENEMIES.

Where does the recognition of these FACTS lead us?

Two "wrongs" DO make a right.

Until the United States accepts the terms that Muslims have DEMANDED from the world, we are ignoring how to solve the problem. Muscle is no opposition for muscle backed with intelligence. We simply MUST play the game by the rules that our opponent demands, that is the only way that they understand the game.

And we must regret having to play their way.

Please take the time to comment.


MAS1916 said...

Nice Note on the fact that the lefties hate math, physics and the sciences..

They also hate journalism, which is why so few of them actually practice it. The CNN guys just take the Obama press releases and type it up as validated news.

ChristinaJade said...


That post left me pretty well, um, speechless. Awesomeness and ditto.

christinajade said...


That post left me pretty well, um, speechless. Awesomeness and ditto.

MAS1916 said...

Nice Note on the fact that the lefties hate math, physics and the sciences..

They also hate journalism, which is why so few of them actually practice it. The CNN guys just take the Obama press releases and type it up as validated news.