Friday, June 05, 2009

Celebrating Obama's LGBT Month

Since the Lord Obama has proclaimed June as the month of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered peoples, I find it highly ironic (or some other "nic") that I got a hit on my old Ray Mabus post. By the way, Obama should have saved the announcement of Mabus as "head" Navy guy until this special month.

By the way, I think that ALL federal appointments should be considered and approved by demonstrating feats of sexual or pseudo-sexual prowess. What ones come to mind?

Rahm should show off his ballet skills by fellating himself.

Biden should have had to show that BOTH of his feet fit into his mouth AND his head in his ass.

Hillary should have had to prove that she could lick a woman's bellybutton, FROM THE INSIDE.

Kathleen Sebelius could have shown her baby eating skills.

Sonya Sotomayor could exhibit her speed and accuracy in determining the race and sex of a number of the population chosen at random.

Janet Napolitano could have had a Rachel Maddow look-alike contest. (That kinda hits on the theme for this month in additional ways.)

Add YOURS to the comments.


classicaliberal said...

Off subject, a little, Mabus is gay?! Or is he just queer? Whats the deal with him, and how did he get sole custody of their children?

Paul Mitchell said...

CL, every Democrat governor that Mississippi has had since Cliff Finch was homosexual. Mabus did get married right before running for governor JUST to get elected. Did I ever see him have sex with another man? No, but I met him on a couple of occasions and let's just say that he needed a purse, he was so flouncy.

When Clinton appointed Mabus as Ambassador to Saudi, something happened between him and his wife while they were overseas. When they returned to the states, he actually tape recorded his wife's confessions with her priest. The divorce proceedings are still ongoing since 1998, with no end in site.

Mabus is remarried now, too. Dunno if she even knows about his preferences.

You can check Mabus's Wiki page, but I have never seen a page that is so absolutely undocumented.

Andy said...

I always suspected that Trent Lott was gay.

The Mrs. would say, "No, he's not gay! A lot of guys from way down near the Gulf just sound that way. They pick up on the way their Mommas talk, and the way they move around. The Daddies weren't around so much in those days." She might be right about Trent.

But I'm pretty sure Mabus is gay.

Paul Mitchell said...

Trent was a cheerleader at Ole Miss during the Kennedy administration. Is that helpful in determining?

I know that Mabus is gay.

I respect neither of them.

classicaliberal said...

Just to start things off right, I'm plastered drunk... That being said, I'm a huge fan of LBGT month! Who doesn't love the closet freaks coming out in force?! I mean, what better chance do we as conservatives have of illustrating the difference between our beliefs and thoughts and the LGBT community. And, don't tell me that they are making 'strides.' Anybody pay attention to California's proposition 8?!

My wife has a few friends who are gay, and I may have know a couple of people who were predisposed, however, I tend to side with TwoDogs, get teh Government out of Marriage, right?! Teh gays can have what they want, and we, God fearing conservatives, can have what we want. Ultimately, it's Him who decides what's right and wrong anyway, right?! Do what you want in this life, but be prepared for teh next!!! Anyway, I'm done drunk commenting for teh night.

Skunkfeathers said...

This will be the perfect month for Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews to go down on their Messiah, Barry, to quench their gay fantasies.

They certainly report about him like that.

Paul Mitchell said...

CL, as Prop 8 proved beyond any doubt, gov't is NO friend to those that believe in identity politics when the plebeians are allowed to vote. And the tax bills kinda reinforced that in the strongest possible terms. Sadly, it took those in California an awful long time to rise up and smack down that huge power grab, AFTER businesses started fleeing.

Skunkfeathers, what Chris and Keith do cannot be referred to as reporting. It is whole-hog cheerleading.

Two Dogs said...

Trent was a cheerleader at Ole Miss during the Kennedy administration. Is that helpful in determining?

I know that Mabus is gay.

I respect neither of them.

Skunkfeathers said...

This will be the perfect month for Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews to go down on their Messiah, Barry, to quench their gay fantasies.

They certainly report about him like that.

classicaliberal said...

Off subject, a little, Mabus is gay?! Or is he just queer? Whats the deal with him, and how did he get sole custody of their children?