Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Feng Shui FAIL

Since it is very easy for me to make fun of my chosen profession because the industry is OVER-populated with MORONS, I thought that it would be fun to show you THIS.

At one time in the not so distant past, architects were known as MASTER BUILDERS. That is completely forgotten now with the profession plagued with an influx of "artists" that do not understand even the most basic of building practices. Corners are shaved with regularity to maintain an artificial aesthetic in the name of ART.

To further compound the problems endemic to intellectually incurious artists that have rushed into the profession, there exists an even more crippling deficiency of corruption by an ever more intrusive government bureaucracy. Whether by design or by fecklessness, the government and its henchmen have made life safety issues into the most confusing and contradictory morass of asininity. China proves that point well.

As MASTER BUILDERS, architects should be more concerned with the issue of safety rather than the art of building design. "First, do not harm" comes to mind from the jump. Our primary concern in all cases should be to make certain that our buildings DO NOT KILL people.

Pushing the envelope of mathematics and science, while jeopardizing human life is kinda stupid. And fatal. Know your architect and his/her grasp of construction safety and dependibility or DIE.

By the way, only one workman was killed in this "accident." Wonder how many people would have died if this thirteen story (eeeek!) building would have survived the construction phase?

Clarification: The title of this post makes a reference to Feng Shui. This building was in China? Get it? By the way, architecture done properly does not require further consultants. Just saying.

Please take the time to comment.


ChristinaJade said...

That picture looks like what I used to do with my lego buildings. Except lego buildings don't hold PEOPLE. Unless you count Barbie. What a freakin' mess...

Anonymous said...

Don't you know the buildings have to be like that there? How else would old Godzilla be able to knock them down?

classicaliberal said...

Speaking of building codes, we here in CA have a corner on doing things the absolute best way the should ever be done, evah! So, on of our greatest Congresman, Henry (Batboy) Waxman, has decided to include fome of our superior building code to the rest of the nation.

Translation. CA Fail, now = America Fail!

You're welcome!

If you are at a loss for what to say to Waxman, or the eight GOP who crossed the isle to vote for the ACES bill, might I suggest this? CONTENT WARNING, be sure to turn your speakers way down!

classicaliberal said...

Jeezus, I need to proofread my comments before I post them...

"...best way the should ever..." should read "...best way they should ever..."

"...So, on of our..." should read "...So, one of our..."

"...include fome of..." should read "...include some of..."

Paul Mitchell said...

And CL, it is easier to get licensed as an architect in Cali and New York than any other states in the country.

You would think that Cali having a tendency to Earth shake would kinda have a tougher standard. But, no.

Paul Mitchell said...

Andy is a BIG BALLA.

classicaliberal said...

Our green initiative is so jobs friendly and cost saving that we just knew Mississippi would be hot and heavy to get it themselves.

Andy said...

So, Paul (if that is your REAL name), what means this BIG BALLA?

I'm sure I am one...but I don't know all the lingo just yet.

classicaliberal said...

Coffee Bean, I believe it's spelled, Godzirra... at least that's how it's pronounced.

Also, he pesters Japan, not the Chicoms.

MUD said...

TD, There are times when I see something so spectacular that I wonder just how the hell could they afford to build such a building. On the other hand, I have seen some plain concrete buildings that just make so much sense that I wonder why everyone doesn't build like that. We live in a country where a 40 years old uilding is probably in need of being torn down. Travel to Germany and there are building with roofs that are a hundred years old. Design it well, build it well and maintain it should be the rule. MUD

classicaliberal said...

Coffee Bean, I believe it's spelled, Godzirra... at least that's how it's pronounced.

Also, he pesters Japan, not the Chicoms.

paul mitchell said...

Andy is a BIG BALLA.