Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to Respond?

When I finally got around to reading the news this morning, on every single news outlet I read, THE STORY was there.

Our Moron President swatted a fly!!!!

Seriously, we all know that our news media is barely able to MAKE CEREAL, but to herald Obama for swatting a fly is just sandpoundingly RIDICULOUS.

If our national media would take ONE DAY to follow a SEMI-competent person from Mississippi around, by these standards set for Obama, they would obviously spend the entire day in a state of orgasmic bliss at the miracles performed like....

Using the toilet.
Getting dressed.
Tying shoes.
Eating breakfast.
Brushing teeth.
Locking a door with a key.
Driving a car.
Ordering a latte.
Making phone calls.
Ordering lunch.
Reading the news.

Seriously, the list is endless of the things that journalists would LOSE THEIR SHIT OVER in the course of EVERY SINGLE DAY of an average life of a NORMAL human being.

Please take the time to comment.


ChristinaJade said...

Locking a door with a KEY? *GASP* How is that POSSIBLE?

Call Olberbutt...he DESERVES the exclusive on that.

Paul Mitchell said...

Oh, CJ, you misunderstood, Barack could never lock a door with a key. Normal people on the other hand....

Skunkfeathers said...

Don't forget PETA...I'm sure even flies rate in their "we're all equal" lexicon.

ChristinaJade said...

Oh, I know that the big O could never lock a door, much less with a key, however is it really possible for us "normal" folk to do so without guidance from the white hizzle? I bet there has been a "door locking czar" named, just for us! YAY!

Two Dogs said...

Oh, CJ, you misunderstood, Barack could never lock a door with a key. Normal people on the other hand....