Saturday, June 27, 2009

MoM's Week in Review - The Purge

This week has been a booming news week, but no one really noticed because Michael Jackson died. Let me address that quickly. I love old Motown music. The first album I ever owned that I can actually recall playing over and over again was Gladys Knight and the Pips "Anthology" on eight track.

The Jackson 5 was part of that history and I enjoyed immensely some of their early tunes. Michael lost me with the dance music from the "Off the Wall" era and the "Thiller" stuff, though. However, music is a very important part of my life and the soundtrack of said life has evolved over the years. Yet, ZERO of Michael Jackson's songs made even the preliminary cut.

All that said, his passing has no bearing on my life at all. While nothing is mutually exclusive, I can find absolutely no cause and effect related to his death that has any impact on my life OTHER than the fact that his death kicked the Muslim killing in Iran, the Waxman-Markey Bill to Destroy the United States, the North Korean nukes, President Fuckdouche's healthcare debacle, Governor Mark Sanford's sexcation, and other IMPORTANT things from the front pages of the news.

You see, Jackson dying was a BOON to Barry Obama. I wonder if Barry had him killed. That is the Chicago way, you know.

Let's run through the REAL NEWS from the week. Governor Mark Sanford runs off to Argentina to play Nekkid Crisco Twister with a chick. Feh, I don't care. He is not my governor and his SEX LIFE does not concern me. From a standpoint of his political future, he will never get my vote for higher office, because a man that steps out on his wife and family has NO INTEGRITY. Plain and simple, he is a shitheel.

The fun part about the Sanford stupidity is that it gave us another chance to see how ridiculously STUPID George Stephanopoulos is. (As if that were in doubt.) The Nancy-Boy uses this news story to say that Republicans have an easier time dealing with these types of peccadilloes. Odd, I cannot find ONE SINGLE Republican that has gone through one of these scandals that has survived it. Yet, I cannot find ONE SINGLE Democrat that has not. Isn't it weird that Stephy can't recall his former boss, Bill Clinton, or Barney Frank, or Teddy Kennedy, or William Jefferson, or John Conyers, or David Paterson, or any of the LITERALLY THOUSANDS of Democrats that are CRIMINALS that have never lost their posts? Weird, INDEED. Funny how the Barrystream Media wants Sanford gone for FAR less than their HERO at the time, Bill Clinton did, huh?

One of the posts that I read about Sanford that really struck home with me was Patrick's at Born Again (whatever the hell it is this week). Read the last two paragraphs, that is the bottom line for me.

Obama and the Nork nukes and the shipping of contraband around the world. Where in the mortal Hell is this story? How can it be ignored?

What do you think about the President of the United States calling a infomercial on national television, but only on ONE STATION, speaking on the "MICKEY MOUSE CRISIS OF HEALTHCARE," with ZERO opposing views allowed, actually pausing for commercial breaks, and NO ONE WATCHING? Folks, our federal government is now a dictatorship that beclowns itself. I am unsure whether to take this ratings figure as a good sign or a bad one. Does it mean that no one cares or that everyone understands that our president is a Marxisant radical that is dumb as a barrel of hair? If it is the latter, please let our countrymen rise up and defeat all legislation proposed by this idiot.

Now, Waxman-Markey, better known to those in the know as "Cap and Trade." Even Obama has said that this bill will bankrupt the coal industry, cause energy prices to skyrocket, cost two million jobs, and have ZERO impact on the environment. BUT HELLS TO THE YEAH! Full steam ahead. Folks, honestly, have you ever seen a single piece of GOOD legislation come from DC? I know that I haven't in my lifetime.

Cap and Trade passes the House. In more SANE times, the public would have risen up and pulled these idiots from the Capitol, tarred and feathered them, and set them on fire. Now, we just make phone calls. Hopefully, the Senate is such an inept body of simpering idiots that they can fail to pass it. If they don't, Barry Obama is such an moron that he will fly to the remotest, most highly unemployed city in the United States where it will force those people to starve to death, and SIGN THE FUCKER.

Oh, The Other Sarah wonders why anyone could revere and herald Abraham Lincoln. Someone has been doing her homework. The fact that some of these young 'uns are actually eschewing typical leftist drivel and either learning in the homeschooling environment or finding the information for themselves, is very promising. Here's another one of those smarty pants.

By the way, Ayn Rand wanted Farrah Fawcett to play Dagny Taggart.

In closing, I would like to say that the things that are happening under the radar at this present time are going to lead you to subsist solely on stuff like THIS. This is what you shall eat if Democrats have their way. They are your ENEMIES.

Please take the time to comment.


Andy said...

TD, I'm gonna take a tiny bit of issue with you. There have been Republicans that survived scandal.

Witness, my Senator David Vitter. He has survived, and I believe will survive his re-election bid in 2012. There are a couple of things that make his situation different from others.

First of all, his whoremongering was revealed several years after it took place. He was not a US Senator at the time (even though he was a US Rep.). He is now automatically disqualified to ever move up in national politics, or the Republican Party (unlike the Dems), but it truly was "old news" when it was revealed.

Secondly, he is 100% right on every stinkin' vote he makes in the Senate. His human failings will not deter his base from supporting him once again. I know that I will. Do I respect him as a "man?" Not really so much, except for the fact that he took the time to deal with his demons, make things as right as possible with his wife and family...long before the fit hit the shan. But as a vote I can count on in the Senate as his constituent...dang right!

And, he will also survive because there is NOT ONE SINGLE Democrat in Louisiana with an IQ above 83 that cares to challenge him.

When it comes to Larry Craig, Ted Stevens, and even Sanford...the news is too "fresh," and too weird, and involves weirdness, payoffs, shirking your duty in gubmit, etc. They should all have resigned...and Sanford should. At least he should take a break and turn over the keys to the Lt. Gov. He's proved that his mental state is not stable enough to be trusted (at least right now).

Patrick over at "the whatever the hell he's calling it today blog" made a good point about about men, and love. When I read that yesterday it really struck a chord.

And, (keep this between you and not tell The Mrs. or anybody else) The Other Sarah is MY love child. I taught her MUCH more about Dishonest Abe than she posted. I guess she's just piecing it out a little at the time. ;)

Nyuk!!! my word verification code is horneymen....NYUK!

Andy said...

Oh TD, I forgot...I am way disappointed in Sweet Sue. I grew up eating her Yard Bird & Dumplings...and was thrilled when she came out with the ring-top cans.

I'll bet she's dead now, and her kids are screwing around with the product offerings.

NYUK! My comment verification code is "taxman" NYUK!!!!

classicaliberal said...

Mmm! I feel like Chicken Tonight!

Andy said...

CL, you might want to rethink that:

Nyuk! My Word Verification is "nolasuks." NYUK!!!! This is just getting funnier and funnier. (If you don't "get it," you ain't from Louisiana)

ChristinaJade said...

Andy brings up a pretty good question...when it comes to politicians, does the "once a cheater always a cheater" rule apply? In other words, as was the case with Vitter, the public offered forgiveness for a moral screw-up. Could the same thing happen eventually with Sanford? Obviously, right now Sanford is all twitterpated and whooped and seems to be a bit out of his gourd, but will the public ever really forgive HIM?

I lean towards your opinion on this one, TD, once a man or woman violates the bonds of marriage, there's a certain level of trust that has to be earned back. Probably too soon to tell on this one, but I have a feeling that Gov Mark may have just killed his political career by not keeping it in his britches. Not to mention the pain he has caused his FAMILY.

As for George Steppingonpoopoos, the guy is an idiot. Put a snake in front of his face and he would ignore it being a snake as long as someone called it a Democrat. All he would talk about was the cute fluffy bunny that the snake had for breakfast. Now, call the same snake a would be an evil creature for eating the bunny in order to survive. This is how liberals see the entire world. *sigh*

Andy said...

Aw Crud! I did write that my LA Senator David Vitter's Senate seat is up for grabs in 2012. It is next year (2010 for those without a calendar).

Guess I've got "2012" on my mind.

This isn't as funny as the last few, but for folks my Word Verification code is "fonazie"

Skunkfeathers said...

Waxman-Markey is a sign of the Apocalypse -- brought on by liberal utter stupidity -- and I have been blessed or cursed with 'witica' as my word verifier. I don't know what it means, but it's probably something evil or anal.

classicaliberal said...

Wow Andy! It's been forever since I'd seen a picture of Oprah... She really let herself go!

MUD said...

I spent the day yesterday in the location where the question of Slavery vs free State was fought over. Lecompton, KS was the territorial capitol when they were fighting over the question of slavery in KS. In fact, the opening salvo of the Civil War came close to being in Kansas in 1856. No one really remembers what happened there or even today if all they think of is another celebrety died. Crap. MUD

Paul Mitchell said...

Andy, you are talking about Louisiana politics. That doesn't count and you know it. Y'all are some strange bedfellows.


Andy, you DID NOT get NoLa Sucks. Ain't possible.

CJ, fidelity is a killah for me in all senses of the action. I don't play cards with cheaters, why would I ever vote for one?

Skunkfeather, W-M is certainly double plus ungood.

Oprah! CL is on a roll.

MUD, folks do NOT want to know any history anymore. They want to have their cake, screw their cake, eat their cake, and imagine a new cake and it miraculously appears.

Joubert said...

TD and Andy, there's no need to be snarky just because I change the name of my blog once a week.

Thanks for the links, TD.

MUD said...

I spent the day yesterday in the location where the question of Slavery vs free State was fought over. Lecompton, KS was the territorial capitol when they were fighting over the question of slavery in KS. In fact, the opening salvo of the Civil War came close to being in Kansas in 1856. No one really remembers what happened there or even today if all they think of is another celebrety died. Crap. MUD

Skunkfeathers said...

Waxman-Markey is a sign of the Apocalypse -- brought on by liberal utter stupidity -- and I have been blessed or cursed with 'witica' as my word verifier. I don't know what it means, but it's probably something evil or anal.

christinajade said...

Andy brings up a pretty good question...when it comes to politicians, does the "once a cheater always a cheater" rule apply? In other words, as was the case with Vitter, the public offered forgiveness for a moral screw-up. Could the same thing happen eventually with Sanford? Obviously, right now Sanford is all twitterpated and whooped and seems to be a bit out of his gourd, but will the public ever really forgive HIM?

I lean towards your opinion on this one, TD, once a man or woman violates the bonds of marriage, there's a certain level of trust that has to be earned back. Probably too soon to tell on this one, but I have a feeling that Gov Mark may have just killed his political career by not keeping it in his britches. Not to mention the pain he has caused his FAMILY.

As for George Steppingonpoopoos, the guy is an idiot. Put a snake in front of his face and he would ignore it being a snake as long as someone called it a Democrat. All he would talk about was the cute fluffy bunny that the snake had for breakfast. Now, call the same snake a would be an evil creature for eating the bunny in order to survive. This is how liberals see the entire world. *sigh*