In lieu of actually LEAVING the house and subjecting myself to the white hot heat of ONE THOUSAND suns, I thought that it would be a good idea to rifle through the old gang's stuff and post links to stuff that I found funny in the AGO.
Kid Rock does the news.
Kid Rock should not have children.
Wimmen that Kid Rock wants to NOT have chillun with.
This photo CANNOT be explained.
Britney. Nuff said?
How about some White Trash Culcha?
Here's the rest of the original group: (Four dead links, and not one WTW post.)
Please take the time to comment.
I've only read your blog for humor. On an ethical stance, I disagree with a lot of your positions. Please read my blog, theres a post dedicated to you.
Very, nice post, CT. Hatred of intelligence is definitely your forte. Keep up the good work, maybe some day you will move up to fire bombing churches like your Democrat philosophical brethren.
I cannot wait to see if "Critical" can "take some criticism". Bet he can't.
Again, your ignorance just astounds me twodogs.
But Staci, i would be honored to hear some of your criticism.
Staci, not too well, apparently.
CT, hatred has ALWAYS come from the Democrats. Every single church that was firebombed was done by activist Democrats like the Ku Klux Klan. Study history, please, you might be able to construct an argument. With practice.
If you would like a little primer on racism and history, click my label "Blackuary" it might enlighten you.
Now, what is your major at GaTech?
KKK? please.... KKK has always been a bunch of radical Republicans. They were called Democrats back in the day, but maybe if you studied YOUR history, you would have known that there was a major party switch back in the early 20th century (Election of 1912, Woodrow Wilson won it)
And just for clarity's sake, I'm not a democrat or a republican. I base my views off of what I to be moral and good for the country, so I won't be bombing any churches anytime soon. Personally I don't believe in the party system, like George Washington suggested when he stepped down after two terms.
Industrial Engineering if you're interested.
Seriously, you must be from the North, you know nothing of the history of the KKK. It was founded by Democrats to keep abolitionists from registering to vote, then after Black males were given the right, they went after Blacks, too. The KKK has ALWAYS been TO THIS DAY part and parcel of the Democrat Party. Check Robert Byrd.
By the way, the Dixiecrat thing is kinda MY forte, I researched it thoroughly and repeatedly. That can be found on my blog as well. Try the Google search on my sidebar for "Dixiecrats bigotry lane."
Woodrow Wilson was a Klan sympathizer, too. Google "The Birth of a Nation," then check into who made it and the relationship to Wilson.
You have no starting point upon which to base your opinions if you have no background in history, my friend.
I am certainly interested in your major with you being enrolled at GaTech. If you were majoring in mechanical or electrical, you could wind up working for me and I do not suffer fools lightly. Of course, you don't have to worry about working for an ignorant old me with a degree in imaginary engineering, now, huh?
The KKK is made up of radical Republicans? Remind me not to let this kind of historical ignorance near anything I need industrially engineered.
Y'know, I had my little "why did you post dead links just to make me try to open them" comment all poised and ready, and now I see I have missed ALL the fun. Dangit!
I seem to remember taking a course in college during my freshman year named "Post-Civil War American History" that covered the history of the KKK. It is a FACT that the KKK is, and always has, been made up of Democrats, not "radical Republicans." I would be wiling to bet that the course I took all those years ago isn't even OFFERED anymore, as we all know that the liberal-biased education system would never want kids to actually learn about the negative impact the left has had on history.
The way I see it, TD, is one of two things. Either this kid will reach beyond the limits of the University system and take the extra time to learn REAL history, the way it was taught to our generation, OR he will continue to limit his true intellectual potential by only subscribing to the liberal independent school of thought and education system.
Who let the GA Tech retard in? Seriously, close the door on your way out, kid. Leave politics and thinking to the adults.
They teach critical thinkin' at that fancy skool of yours? Cause apparently all you've done is swaller every bit of hogwash ever preached at you from your 'educators' since you were 5.
Every one of you just supported an argument that says "Barack Obama is part of a party whose supporters have lynched African Americans and other minorities to suppress fear in those respective communities."
Please, correct me if I'm wrong, enlighten me oh wise elders, but are you really saying that the KKK has been democrat all along???
In my last post I said back in the day, the KKK was a bunch of democrats. I say again, in 1912 the parties switched. Southerners were now voting Republican, Northerners voting Democrat. Today's (or recent) KKK advocates are more along the political ideology of TODAY's radical republicans.
Two Dogs, I decided to take your advice and look up Robert Byrd. True, he was involved in the Klan, and was (and still is a Democrat). But from my research I have also seen that his motives for joining the klan were for anti-communist purposes. In 1952 he announced his disinterest in the Klan, in 1997 he told young people interested in politics to "avoid the KKK...{I} was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision- a jejune and immature outlook..."
So from what I see, Democrats are not so involved in the KKK anymore, or am I wrong?
Stormfront the largest white supremacy group backed Obama. Don Black is the leader. Check it.
First link on The Google.
Be Gentle, Two Dogs... It's entirely possible you could melt his brain without even exerting yourself...
Wasn't it Democrats who were raising the issue of Obama's race before the election... I seem to remember a certain LA Times Opinion piece concerning his 'inauthenticity' and lack of 'genuine' blackness. Last time I checked, the LA Times wasn't exactly the modern bastion of Conservative thought.
As a matter of fact, Democrats have quite the record of shameful bigotry post Wilson.
well i guess THIS kinda makes sense. that is, the fact that the KKK supports Obama just because Hillary Clinton was the other Democratic candidate. Believe me, I also thought Hillary was a mistake from the start. But you can't argue that because of that one circumstance the KKK supports black people, therefore making them democrat...If at all, the KKK should have supported Dennis Kucinich (sp?) (I did my research on Stormfront can't you tell?)
As for you classicliberal, i thought your link was an interesting read, and i'm totally being honest with you. It does argue some impressive concerns on the Democratic party's shady past, but I'm sure the same could be said of the Republican party. But I think nowadays the Democratic party is not the confusing-racist party this other blog claims it to be.
I'm sorry if I'm the first to tell you, but our president is black.
Oh, and a Democrat.
Side note: do I have to do something to convince y'all im not a democrat (or republican for that matter)?
I'm not the hugest fan of poll's for many assorted reasons, however, this one is quite interesting.
You see, as a democrat, it's okay and quite acceptable to be a racist as long as it's toward a republican.
Corrine Brown calling the Bush Administrations stance toward haiti 'racist' and his representatives 'a bunch of white men,' well that's okay.
Liberal cartoonist Gary Trudeau calling National Security Advisor (at the time) Rice "Brown Sugar," well that's okay, too.
Joe Biden calling then Senator Barack Obama "the first mainstream African Americanwho is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy..." That's unfortunate, but okay. I mean the guy's now the Vice President of the US...
A few more instances of Democratic racism rear their collective heads here.
just curious....what do y'all think of johnathan krohn?
Critical+Technical: "...but I'm sure the same could be said of the Republican party."
With all due respect, Martians could be running the Mexican Government.
I would challenge you to produce a list which shows the pervasive culture of racism permeating the Republican party in the same manner as I've produced for the Democratics.
Honestly, I don't care whether you claim not to declare one specific political ideology over another. The fact is that you opened your mouth and proved to us all that you are ignorant of history. The only thing that I am interested in you proving is that somehow you're not ignorant of the facts.
1. clearly that poll didn't REALLY affect the election.
2. Congresswoman Brown is just doing every politician's job: attack the other side. I don't commend her actions at all, in fact I agree she should have resigned for her uncalled comment. But honestly, America has a long way to go before we can call verbal attacks on white people "racist".
3. Trudeau's an idiot. nuff said.
4. While it surprised ME that CNN called out Joe Biden on his "racist" comment, I personally didn't think Biden's statement was all that offensive.
I would also enjoy participating in a link war, but I have better things to do with my time, such as studying so that I can actually have a good high paying job instead of sitting on my ass all day waiting for the next blogpost to show up so that I can prove my oh-so-mighty-intelligence.
I opened up my mouth to speak my opinion on the despicable racist history of the south, and how it still continues to this day. My rant article on TwoDogs' blog was written to show that to this day there are still some people who are jerks; who can't accept that things aren't going the wonderful way they please, so they must go out of their way to take a radical approach to making their country look like the biggest screw up since the Third Reich.
And yes, Martians may as well be running the Mexican government.
CT - that kid (Johnathan Krohn) is a genius, and speaks as if he were decades beyond his years. You would do well to do the homework that he has done to come to the conclusions that he has reached. I see you trying, and for that, I gotta give you a bit of credit. Most would have just called names, tucked tail, and run by now. PLEASE keep digging for the truth, and trust me, you couldn't be in better company to help you find it. TD and CL leave me in awe of their smarts on a regular basis. KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS...and do not rely on liberal minded professors to give you an unbiased view of history. It is obvious that you ARE ignorant of historical facts, but you are grown up enough to be in college, so that means you are grown up enough to take charge of your own education.
Lookit, TD, I'm Momming on your bloggything. He's not running away...I think he can be saved... :)
Y'know what? After that last comment, CT, I TAKE IT BACK.
And I thought you might be willing to run with the big dogs. Forgive me, TD...Neo this one is not.
like i said, i look at all sides of the spectrum. I'm not conservative OR liberal. I'm willing to hear your opinions as long as there's evidence.
Thanks for the (rare) kind words christinajade.
I'm just waiting on the cavalcade of conservatives to come through with their latest and greatest....
oops nevermind. somebody didn't want to be understanding.
CT, sweetie, you screwed up with me, you did the one thing that liberals do that just gets under my skin quicker than calling and running away. Really, don't do that. You had me on your side right up to that point. This wasn't "link war" - this was them trying to show you the truth. You really would do well to listen.
...not a liberal.
I didn't run away. I'm right here waiting on the next argument so I can do what you say:
But I love America, and how she allows me to express my opinion.
Don't let the door hit ya, my boy. Next time you visit, bring some knowledge of history, or at the very least be prepared to be challenged on your asinine views. Also next time, don't get butt hurt when your premise is proven false and then attack the evidence that was provided as being at fault, especially after you claim to accept most of it.
Judging by your posts here, you shouldn't have to study too hard to pass anything, as you've swallowed the propaganda served you your entire life in the US Education system. Just rely on those same 'smarts' and you'll have no issue passing the 'high' standards in place at GA Tech.
One more next time: Next time you 'open your mouth to speak your opinion,' how about you back it up with some critical thinking and some semblance of fact, hmm?
PS., of course you didn't find Biden's comment that Barack is the first clean articulate main stream African American, etc. offensive. Why would you? Because Thurgood Marshal, Clarance Thomas, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, Bill Cosby, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Sammy Davis, Jr., Louis Armstrong, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Jesse Owens, Rosa Parks, Sidney Poitier, George Washington Carver, Jackie Robinson, Miles Davis, Oprah Winfrey, and countless others are neither, clean, articulate, nor maistream and/or bright.
CT, when you throw out the reference to Nazis, please do be aware that the entire concept has been studied and practiced by the HALF WHITE guy in the White House. Barry is AS black as I am, but the whole issue is not his skin color in the least. It is his entirely nonexistent grasp of history and philosophy.
You see, Nazi MEANS "Nationalsozialismus," which means National Socialist German Worker's Party. They are BY DEFINITION the exact same as the HALF WHITE guy that occupies the White House.
Now, as far as philosophy is concerned, you should start studying. You have a concept concerning the political parties that is completely upside down. I am telling you that you are just flat out WRONG.
Just for the record, I do not hate and I am not radical at all. I am a self-employed businessman that loves my country and the founding principles deeply. John McCain would have been marginally better than Barry Obama, but only marginally. I do not NEED NOR do I WANT the federal government for anything other than to protect this country from invaders.
A limited government model WORKS, an all intrusive government does not. Look at the past to see the possibility of future successes. Did Lyndon Johnson's welfare programs work? Yes, for exactly the purpose that he wanted. There exist tapes of Johnson claiming that if "you kill the will of a man to work, you kill the will of the man." Now we have four generations of poor people that have never held a job in their lifetime. His utter crippling of the poor community worked swimmingly for his purpose. Remember, Johnson was a WHITE DEMOCRAT from the SOUTH at the time that they were fighting civil rights. YES, Democrats fought the whole civil rights issue, even John Kennedy voted against the one in the 1950s when he was a Senator. Al Gore's father lost his Senate seat over filibustering against civil rights. Check it.
Welfare is the exact model that you should examine to understand what is coming with the fed taking over medical services. Make no mistake, Barry taking over your "healthcare" will be the biggest boondoggle that has ever existed. I have a label entitled "Universal healthcare," my FACT-BASED ramblings are there.
Educate yourself by refusing to read the morons at HuffPo. There is NO intelligent life on that site, sorry. Leftists are idiots, CT. They are now and always have been. Their idiotic ideas ALWAYS bring more poverty and starvation. Check Ethiopia, Cuba, the Sudan, USSR, France, Great Britain, the list is endless.
Now, check the market and unemployment stats since the OLD HALF WHITE guy moved in. And check back after July 24th when minimum wage goes up again. These things ALWAYS happen, there has never been a single example of success for the leftist ideology.
The last time that someone with Barry's ideology occupied 1600, we had record inflation, unemployment, and bankruptcies. Guess what? Barry has already surpassed that FAILBOAT model of Jimmy Carter.
History and facts trump feelings every single time, my friend.
history is no longer history it has been revised and watered down to make it more palatable to those who cant take the truth those who can r the ones taking a stand-otherwise we would all be waving the green flag and shouting out to the enemy, not this rednck-if it wasnt for us they would all be speaking German but u wont find a history book in the schools that will tell u that now nevermind what was done to the native americans its more convinient in this fast food society to forget because it takes too much time to check the facts i got accused of not doin my homework wonder how many ppl have read both the Bible and the quran, i have if a swampbilly can do it so can the libs but they r too busy insulting to actually debate just like the muslims r too busy killin each other off in the name of peace so lets dum it down and make it all look nice cuz window dressing is what its all abt dont matter if the pipes are broke and the house is full of shit from the overflowing toilet as long as it looks good on the outside right? those who forget history r doomed to repeat it
Jill, you used swampbilly. HA!
Great comment, too.
i am a swampbilly and not ashamed of it sorry for usin ur blog as a place to rant i just get sick of what i see going on when it wouldnt take much to stop it
You do not need to apologize for being angry. Angry away.
An entertaining thread; this GaT or whatever he/she is, sounds a tad like the lad I had the run-in with from MSU. If his mind is truly open to absorbing facts and not the hysterical revisionism of the Howard Zihns of the world, then you can take credit for having saved one, TD.
Skunkfeathers, Bean gave me the Zinn history book that she had to use in college. I was able to read about three chapters before I blew a gasket. He seriously took a legitimate history book and just put 'NOT' in front of every declarative sentence. It was beyond fucking stupid.
i am a swampbilly and not ashamed of it sorry for usin ur blog as a place to rant i just get sick of what i see going on when it wouldnt take much to stop it
Jill, you used swampbilly. HA!
Great comment, too.
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