BUT! The Obama Forum shows up much, much higher than this hater blog. Wonder why?
Just so you are well aware, I had a twenty thousand word essay written on the EXACT meaning of life this morning, but it was too good for this blog (we have very low standards that must NOT! be raised), so I submitted it to the Vatican to put on their webnetsite. I'll keep you informed on how that is going, but it appears that my article shall rock the very foundation of Catholicism. They kinda frown on that, you know. Keep your eyes peeled earnestly for that 20k+ word beauty to never appear on the whirlwhinewebbyblarqs.
Since you asked, I woke up in the middle of the night from a dream of actually going to a We Suck v. Kentucky game back in the Fall of 1983. Yes, We Suck lost as usual, but I did get to see a big farmer guy beat down three Kentucky preps in a brutal bloodbath that was very reminiscent of the final scene of the movie "300" BACKWARDS. Yes, two campii security guys were standing nearby, and did NOTHING. Izod sweaters, Sperry Topsiders, and Oxford cloth shirts were destroyed in the making of that memory. (That is where the one point five liner post below originated, for those of you that do not exist in my head, the number of whom is still in dispute.)
And the little white car no longer exists in the known world, either.
For more interwebs news, know in your soul that if you use Internet Explorer, any version, you have what is known as COMPUTER AIDS. Dude, it is time to quit your love affair with Microsoft. They are cheating on you!
Also on the technology front, I know that you are really studying SEO and want the latest in up-to-date info regarding the same. Here's a little primer to help you understand better the Keyphrase Research thingy. (If you EVAR understand that, send me an IM and let me in on the secret, too. Mmmmkay?)
Also, in archaic history news, on this day W-A-Y back in 2005, the Mule-slums attacked Great Britain and SLAUGHTERED fifty-two commuters. But, MICHAEL JACKSON BRAIN!
Jackoff was an "Accidental Civil Rights Leader," you know? Folks, I just have no idea what to even make of that. And Bruce Springsteen is NOT A ROCKET SURGEON, either! SHOCKA!
When I heard from Firedoglake that Sarah Palin was about to get indicted by the FBI, I was heartbroken. I just knew that Firedoglake would NEVER publish anything ever regarding a Republican that was NOT 100% true. Alas, I was mistaken. It seems that there was not one ounce of truth to be attached the STELLAR article published at FDL. And it even seems that little blogs that offer ZERO CREDIBILITY to anything whatsoever were right about Sarah Palin all along!
Not only that, but now it seems that some folks, that are RIGHTWING zealots, are trying to say that Obama is not doing so good in the governing part of his jobby job. Why would all those HATERS try to belittle the mostest! smartestest! President in the history of the world? They must be racists!
But, it is certainly okay for known morons to say that Dr. Genius McPerfect was misled by REPUBLICANS! in the severity of the Depression that he inherited. Tax cuts would have worked MO' BETTAH.
Just so you know, we are only seventeen days away from double digit unemployment and the Sooper Dooper Media shall tell you that it was unexpected, that the economy was worse than anyone imagined, that Obama inherited this mess, that Democrats love poor people, and that no one could have known that raising minimum wage would cause further unemployment, BUT! They are fucking lying, that one little government manipulation of private enterprise does more to stall the economy, put more people on unemployment, and increase the number of illegals in this country than anything else could ever do. The fun part is that IT ALWAYS DOES, EVERY TIME THAT THE MORONS DO IT, TOO!
Sarah Palin, waterproof bibs, Bill Dance wraparounds, and rubber glove PR0N!!!!!
If I get a chance this afternoon, I am going to FISK yet another Cynthia Tucker Plethora of Liberal Stupidity. This one is just primo, too! Exactly how Cynthia managed to spawn is beyond my comprehension and just thinking about it makes me retch.
And NOW! Twittah Cops!
Please take the time to comment.
Just a bit of info - the Jacko funeral is costing the city of LA over 4 MILLION DOLLARS.
It is only money and it grows on trees in Moronifornia.
Heh! You should send me that 20,000 word essay on meaning of life. I ain't Roman Catholic, but I'd like to know anyhow.
Of course MJ was a civil rights pioneer! In his lifetime he lived the heartbreak of 5 or 6 groups of the downtrodden. Black men, black women, white women, white pervs, drug addicts (black and white I reckon), former billionaires (white mostly by then, I think), and the VERY tiny minority in the US of rock stars that get trashed for holding their baby over a rail several stories up just to make a bunch of stinkin' German fans wet themselves.
Now, who can better understand the plight of minorities? This is a question that must be answered.
And on Sarah and the salmon...I'll swear Paul...I love The Mrs. more than life itself. But if she ever hits the bricks, I'm heading to Alaska to find me a fisherwoman. ;)
Andy, you must have missed our House of Representatives accepting a resolution in committee for an honorarium for MJ. Barbara Lee introduced it. You must be a racist.
And as far as the Caribou Barbie is concerned, not to question your manhood or anything, but that Todd Palin looks like a big boy that can scrap, pack a lunch and bring friends. If you were talking about running up to Chicago to steal away Michelle, my response would be different, Barry carries a purse.
Sorry, that is Sheila Jackson-Lee, I knew that Barbara did not feel right.
Oh yeah, I know Sheila Jackson Lee...the one that wanted to see the photos of the US flag left by our Astronauts on Mars down at the Johnson Space Center.
Oh yeah...Bubba's greatest defender in his impeachment hearings.
But I did miss that one. HA! I Goobled it...Jeepers, what a waste of oxygen she is. "42 whereas clauses." Double Crud...
Well, as I always say, "John Edwards was right. There are two Americas."
As the girl around here, my two cents? Todd Palin is H.O.T.
Hey, CJ, do you think that you could distract Todd for a couple of minutes for Andy?
BTW, Paul. I was not thinking for one moment about messing with Todd. I mean, as you know, I'm a scrawny little dude.
My manhood can not be questioned, as the answers are spread all over the planet right now.
I'm just saying...there's something in them Alaska gals that remind me of The Mrs. Country, sexy, matter of fact, dirty hands and pure hearts...
Nyuk. My word verification is "citiend." I wonder if Blogger knows something about the bank takeovers that we don't.
I'm pretty sure I could pull that one off...a sacrifice I think I could handle. ForReal.
And she takes one for the TEAM.
Christina...you are truly a TROOPER!
HA! my WV is "peeddeep"
Yeah, thanks guys. Y'know, it would be such a pleasure...er...I mean tough job and all. heh
To take an opposing view from one commenter, I am here to say that Sarah Palin is HOT ;-)
Barry's a moron; Joey B's a moron (but occasionally removes his feet from his mouth long enough to speak a truth by mistake, before reinserting his feet a tad deeper); Sheila Jackson-Lee's a moron; Al Sharpton's a moron; Ward Churchill and his dickwad lawyer David Lane are morons; the list of leftard morons is endless and would list to the Sun and back, though we could hope the list would incinerate with the morons when it got to the Sun and wouldn't come back ;)
I'm just glad that the "trumps all MJ breaking news" is almost over now. We might now get to hear if NoKo launches a missile at Hawaii, instead of having such an announcement trumped by a CNN breaking news story about MJ's brain.
Word verifier: hapec
what's it mean?
Cop 1: 'Read 'em his rights!"
Cop 2: 'NO ONE CARES!!'
That's hilarious!
Side note, anyone read the NRO piece by David Kahane? Dude nails it! The GOP needs to fight the Democrats the way Patton went after the Nazi's! Instead we fight the Dems the way Johnson fought the VC. I just don't get it...
My verification word 'jackersu'... Hmmm
LMAO....word verifier this time was "difstric", like Marion Barry's voters might call where he run da hood...from da joint.
The raise in minimum wage means that I won't be hiring any kids to work in my trailer park this summer. And I'm not alone. It's $8.40 here in Oregon. I'd rather mow the lawns myself.
Thanks for the link, Paul.
Patrick, they are trying to raise the MW in Jackson, MS to 10.50 an hour WITH benefits and twelve something without. And all the while, MORE people are fleeing.
It is like shooting yourself in the stomach, then reloading and doing it again.
I'm pretty sure I could pull that one off...a sacrifice I think I could handle. ForReal.
Yeah, thanks guys. Y'know, it would be such a pleasure...er...I mean tough job and all. heh
Christina...you are truly a TROOPER!
HA! my WV is "peeddeep"
I'm just glad that the "trumps all MJ breaking news" is almost over now. We might now get to hear if NoKo launches a missile at Hawaii, instead of having such an announcement trumped by a CNN breaking news story about MJ's brain.
Word verifier: hapec
what's it mean?
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