Yes, the morons are trolling Top Conservatives on Twitter as usual, but with a new twist.
Already HuffPo has yet another moronic article up, but this one is dealing with why Sarah Palin is resigning, allegedly. Click the image and read what they had on the site. Leftists have such good senses of humor.
The fact that people like this exist tells me that there is a reason to be armed. They are obviously FUCKING INSANE and DANGEROUS.
Arianna Huffington, you are a piece of shit and you shall BURN IN HELL.
UPDATE: The DUMBASS that posted this lunacy has apologized for "hurting feelings." I did not feel any "hurt" at all, I thought that it was the typical leftist stupidity, not unlike the ridiculousness that comes from their camp daily. I felt pity that there exists people that are that fucking stupid. "Hurt?" None whatsoever.
Please take the time to comment.
Won't that fall under that whole "hate crimes" thing?
Oh, wait...nevermind. That doesn't apply to liberals.
You know Paul, (and I DO know that is your real name) it's guys like this Eric Nelson character that shake my faith.
Maybe some of us did crawl up out of the slime, and after billions of years learned to write...
I am convinced that there are parallel homosapien lines...one is inferior...subhuman...demonic. Nelson, and his kind, swim in that pool.
I agree that there might be a parallel gene pool, one with multiple defects. This would explain liberal ideology, and the subhumans who've globbed on to it like a fly on sh**. If it stinks, they eat it up.
You're getting attention again at one of your favorite blogs! Way to go!!!
He said gretard! LOL, wait... I'm supposed to be outraged. What to do?!
Olberbutt has a limp wanky 'cuz he's worn it out in a knot hole, since he can't bury it in Barry ;)
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