First let me apologize for being a bad, bad blog buddy this week. I have been jumping through flaming hoops of KILL and have had little time to comment much on anything. Most of my replies in my own comment section were penned while driving hither and yon on the highways and byways of G_d's Favorite State. Hopefully I did not misspell too many words or otherwise all of the ditch cleanings and crashes were for NAUGHT.
Now, straight to the news. This shall be a linkdump of EPIC proportions. Or not.
With the World's Smartest Human in the White House and the former holder of the title as SecSate, we are experiencing a bumper crop from the FAIL GARDEN.
But, also since the WIN ADMINISTRATION controls media outlets, a full fifty percent of the population thinks that we are doing just fine. Oddly, this percentage roughly equals those folks that do not work or are either in school. Weird how things work out, huh? Kinda like having a friend that thinks "You are like the smartest dinosaur" is a compliment.
A Market Update: The week of July 6-10, DJIA down -134.22, NASDAQ down -40.49, S&P 500 down -17.29. One thing that capitalism needs to be successful is CAPITAL. When a government is installed that is decidedly ANTI-business, they tend to slaughter people with starvation and rewards for NOT working. Just so you know, the DJIA is down -134.70 since the President was sworn in to sign the legislation that kills jobs, capital, and progress. But, let's keep saying that there is some magical metric that tells us things are getting better while all the REAL metrics are telling you otherwise. DO NOT TRUST YOUR LYING EYES!
By the way, if you are using the old adage of "It is management against labor," you are ignoring that the two are the same thing. Plus, even though there is CAPITAL and there is LABOR, MANAGEMENT is a part of LABOR, y'all. Yet, the success of either, CAPITAL or LABOR, is inextricably tied to the other. Sorry Democrats, intelligent people do not vote for you. But, fuck me to Hell, stupid people DO! Give me back my money, you thieves!
I really have trouble understanding how it is that there are actually people that do not know these factual things that are so easily found with a minimum of effort. It is dumbfounding.
BUT......Robert Reich, FOOL.
John Cougar Mellencamp, MOONBAT. I like calling an old guy a COUGAR. That is fitting.
I have been wanting to respond to Cynthia Tucker's weekly tidbit of cuh-razee moonbattery, but I have just not had the time. Read it for yourself, add some really funny thought bubbles to it, and pretend that I wrote it. EFFICIENCY!
When you start an e-mail with the greeting "Dear YOU," things are getting progressively worse. Michael Steele has been nothing less than an utter disappointment as RNC Chair and finally people are seeing that for what it is. Kevin Jackson admits that the only reason he was in the Steele camp is skin color. Good on you, Kevin, now help bring the intelligent people into the fold. I am not talking about Steele, you know?
The more things CHANGE with regards to RACISM, the more they stay the same. If there is anyone left on the face of the Earth that doesn't know that Democrats are ALL racists, this is your FINAL NOTICE. Get a grip, folks.
A follow-up on the Pedophile President. Keep in mind that Barack Obama is the same general age as 80% of our presidents in the past, and is checking out the package of a child. He is so Clintonesque, but he is a Democrat, you know.
By the way, I am a fan of the ASS, too.
And not only does Obama like having sex with children, he is delusional and obviously wigged-out crazy, too. And his wife is an alcoholic that is no longer sober, so there is THAT.
Terrorist Dictator? Profuse apology.
I am certainly glad that our prison system is finally banning HATE TRACTS. Weird that one is called "Dreams from my Father" and another is called "The Audacity of Hope," though. Those sound like Obama book names, huh? Maybe with that banning, GANG participation shall drop.
Greenpeace? Still operating like crazy people. "Hey, Topher, let's deface Mount Rushmore!"
David Brooks has utterly gone insane. No one finds him attractive, seriously. NOT. ONE. PERSON.
In case you missed it, President Moonbat hates our military and is driving the suicide rate through the roof.
Wonder why Barry's approval numbers are in the shitter? Well, that is because it is Barry, no one with any intelligence likes him.
Seesmic launches their web-app and mobile-app. I checked it out briefly early this morning and it seems pretty cool. I still like Grid best, I wish it was more stable, though.
Will a player break down and Tweet mid-game? Odds say NO, but the fact that there are even odds, lends me to believe that someone will.
More on Chrome OS. Folks, things are still heating up and money may be made.
Is it Todd or Heywood?
If you are wanting the economy to improve, we need to push it over quickly. Spend zero money for the next ninety days and we shall escalate this Obama/Dem Congress debacle and get back to making money.
And saving money has just been made easier since you never have to see Star Wars now.
Please take the time to comment.
Bad blog buddy? You win the Dudley Do-right award for the week. :)
Now, on to Michael Steele. I had big hopes for the guy, I really did. Either he wasn't the man we thought he was, someone got to him and kept him quiet when he SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN, or, BOTH.
And the banning of the book thing is just CLASSIC. That's all I have to say about that.
My word is explay. Shit you not.
Bad blog buddy? Gimme a stinkin' break. Not just anybody can do biness and kick liberal ass at the same time.
Man, that little girl is CUTE! Just think, her Daddy will have to buy several pistols and shotguns to be prepared for creeps like my sons one day.
Thanks for link. Cougar makes a point (however insane it is) that will be a drumbeat...they're coming for you Paul.
David Brooks is not only an idiot, he is a lying idiot. No one will get me to believe that a US Senator is gonna feel his ugly junk up in public...not even a Democrat would do that. They might try it in the stall, but sheesh. Freakin' liar!
Heh! my word is "ruger" It ain't as sexy as Christina's...well, I guess it depends on whose packing it.
Oh btw Paul, that Twitter post is one of the funniest things I've seen on the web in A WHILE! Triple NYUK!
WV: elvira
a virtual toilet here-read and rip lol
a virtual toilet here-read and rip lol
Bad blog buddy? You win the Dudley Do-right award for the week. :)
Now, on to Michael Steele. I had big hopes for the guy, I really did. Either he wasn't the man we thought he was, someone got to him and kept him quiet when he SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN, or, BOTH.
And the banning of the book thing is just CLASSIC. That's all I have to say about that.
My word is explay. Shit you not.
When John Cougar decided to go all Liberal on us (which completely baffles me given his small-town roots), folks in my circles started referring to him as:
John Cougar Menstrualcramp.
It kinda fits, what with him causing abdominal pains and saying silly shit...
Oh btw Paul, that Twitter post is one of the funniest things I've seen on the web in A WHILE! Triple NYUK!
WV: elvira
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