Wednesday, July 08, 2009

WTW - Trans/Camaro

I am not sure if this is even funny, because it hits W-A-Y too close to home. And it is a little language-y.

But, we shall always have O'Hare, my darling.

Please take the time to comment.


ChristinaJade said...

That's right down the road from my house. Didn't ya see Kane running around in the beginning of that video?

Andy said...

Paul, this is the God's honest truth. When we moved back from Colorado to LA, I dragged that very "pickup bed" trailer behind my Chrysler Fifth Avenue. (Pam drove the U-Haul truck).

It looked just like that one. It carried three bicycles, a lawn mower, three full gas cans, and our black lab, Midnight.

It sat out in the back yard until it completely rusted over. I gave it away when the fire ant beds built up so high around it that Pam threatened to leave me.

Sigh...good memories Paul...really good memories.

Hey, Blogger don't know how to spell "quality." My word verification is "quitily."

classicaliberal said...

I loved the 'United Breaks Guitars' song! Catchy!

As a guitar player, I can confirm that if you wish to travel with an instrument, keep it with you!!!

christinajade said...

That's right down the road from my house. Didn't ya see Kane running around in the beginning of that video?