This type of posting does not have to fit that mold.

Well, Hell, another hot chick has a post on how much Flash brings the SUCK. Seriously, if you want to see the suck barre raised to previously unachievable levels, check out any architecture firm's website. They show exactly why you never use Flash or idiotic menu selections. That is IF you can actually FIND the menu.
While we are on the topic of vaginae, ahem, MSNBC lies about how many do not have medical coverage. Oh bullshit, MSNBC lies? They must be Democrats or something.
Dang, this is actually turning out to have a meme. Wimmen sex parts! YAY!
Still another Democrat rolls up on tee-vee, lies about HER credentials, and gets accolades for her "bravery." Patterico busted her, and continues the shredding of her entire liefest.
I am quickly running out of chick parts, but here is another that wears a cup.
And here is a video with still more hot chicks.
Last one, PIRATE!!!
Dude, this BarryCare thing is really crashing and burning. Doctors hate it, insurance companies hate it, individuals hate it. This qualifies as a Three-Fer.
HEY! Look, we are past the working for government point for the year. Personally, I think that this day should fall in the second week of January, just saying.
More banks collapse.
More people lose jobs.
More people get dumber.
BUT! There are more ways to steal music now.
"Americans need to change the way they live if they want...." SEX!!!!!
Please take the time to comment.
Dude, I wear a cup? Well, YEAH! Of course I do! I played football, y'know. Well, till they wouldn't let me anymore. SEXISM!
By the way, saying someone is unaware that Sarah is hot is kinda like saying someone is unaware that there is air on the planet. Just sayin'
The Cup Wearing Hippie Chick.
CJ, there are actually people that "think" Hillary is hot. They are W-R-O-N-G.
I should change the name of my blog. HA!
Hillary and hot only go together if she is in a sauna. Which is another thing I'd rather not think about.
Yo Paul, you linked to Rightwingsparkle. In her latest post...
...she says something like, "I have always loved Peggy Noonan...she got fooled by the Obamoron, yada yada yada." Peggy Noonan is an old hag with dementia IMHO.
Anyone that ever spent over 45 seconds around Reagan should have known that Barry is a POS, and your girlfriend Sarah (who Peggy The Old Turd slammed) is "one of us."
I have fond memories of Noonan back in the early 80's. But I doubt that she can even vaguely remember those days.
And, I'm truly happy for CJ. I read her "Y'ALL BITE ME" post yesterday, and am firmly standing with her...well, behind her anyway.
She is now world famous (having been 'attagaled' on one of the most influential conservative blogs in the universe)!!!
I started to make a joke about "what cup size?" but realized that it would not befit a southern gentleman such as myself.
CJ/Paul, if Hellary was in HOTtub, (a) it'd overflow and (b) Greenpeace would have the boats in full force, trying to unbeach her.
im getting pretty sick of libtards bashing trig palin like hes fair game, it just shows how lame they are and how low they will go, i think the only reason ppl bash Palin so much is because they feel threatened by her
Yo Paul, you linked to Rightwingsparkle. In her latest post...
...she says something like, "I have always loved Peggy Noonan...she got fooled by the Obamoron, yada yada yada." Peggy Noonan is an old hag with dementia IMHO.
Anyone that ever spent over 45 seconds around Reagan should have known that Barry is a POS, and your girlfriend Sarah (who Peggy The Old Turd slammed) is "one of us."
I have fond memories of Noonan back in the early 80's. But I doubt that she can even vaguely remember those days.
And, I'm truly happy for CJ. I read her "Y'ALL BITE ME" post yesterday, and am firmly standing with her...well, behind her anyway.
She is now world famous (having been 'attagaled' on one of the most influential conservative blogs in the universe)!!!
I started to make a joke about "what cup size?" but realized that it would not befit a southern gentleman such as myself.
CJ/Paul, if Hellary was in HOTtub, (a) it'd overflow and (b) Greenpeace would have the boats in full force, trying to unbeach her.
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