Anyone that knows me also knows that I think that I am the smartest, funniest, most attractive human being to ever live. FACTS matter.
Anyhoo, while going through the Reader a few minutes ago, I found myself laughing out loud at a very witty, pithy post that was thoroughly and brutally enjoyable. I scrolled back up to see which genius blog I was reading and IT WAS MINE!!!!!
Narcissism is beautiful.
I am also retarded, because I just wrote the post this morning.
Please take the time to comment.
Now why in the world would you want to be so modest? Go ahead, say what you REALLY think. :)
Yeah Paul, I started telling Pam a joke this morning. She cut me off in the middle of it. She said, "Andy, you retard! I told you that joke about 15 minutes ago...the punch line is 'never mind, I didn't know you were a law enforcement officer, too.' "
Put the crack pipe down...back away slowly.
Middle-age sucks, don' it ;-)
Andy, been there. Maybe not the very same HOUR, though.
JDR, I find myself to be very funny.
Skunks, the problem is that I am 45 and middle age is technically 39. As a matter of fact, I am old enough to remember when middle age was 36! I am W-A-Y past middle age. I am a Senior, now.
and they say the second thing to go is the mind.
David, it is my first thing.
This would be one of those perfect opportunities for me to interject a bunch of stuff 'bout what happens to us wimmens at a certain age, but I just like all ya'll too much to even tell you.
You're welcome.
By the way, I AM NOT technically middle-aged. *tosses hair and walks away* Wait, really? :)
CJ, educated people with common sense (there are pseudoeducated folk with no sense, mainly liberals, but I digress) know that when women hit 40, they hit their second "sexual" wind, so to speak. And we guys...we guys peak at 19, and begin a gradual downhill, that's a runaway by 50.
I oughta know, I'm 2 years past that LOL (some limited comfort for you, Paul..youngster).
Though, I delude myself some comfort with da woids of Tobey Keith.."I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm good once as I ever was" ;)
This would be one of those perfect opportunities for me to interject a bunch of stuff 'bout what happens to us wimmens at a certain age, but I just like all ya'll too much to even tell you.
You're welcome.
By the way, I AM NOT technically middle-aged. *tosses hair and walks away* Wait, really? :)
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