During a conversation with The Nation the other day, a mutual friend of ours was mentioned as the very Mostest Metrosexual in our posse. The Nation opined that we should purchase said Metrosexual a manly-type animal to kinda give him the faux appearance of manliness. The Nation even went so far as to propose a name for said manly animal we purchased for said Metrosexual.

Today, I present "Rape Dawg."
You might want to NOT PET HIM.
Please take the time to comment.
Awww, that's just a fluffy puppy!! :)
So I'm in the dark...who got tagged?
btw, I want that dog! I'd rather buy dog food than lawnmowers.
I could use that dog to keep ACORN and their '10 census crap away ;)
For those times when a Poodle simply won't do...
Okay, Paul is not gonna tell me who got tagged as the Mostest Metrosexual in his posse.
As usual, he ignores my inquiries. So, I must once again rely on others that comment. I wanna know who got tagged!
If it's you, fess up! If it ain't you and you know who it is, go ahead and turn the queer-bait in. Inquiring minds needs to no...
Dang...my word verification is "orgyist" Dang...
Sorry, Andy, missed these comments somehow. The Mostest Metrosexual is a buddy of mine here in town. Not any of you cool folks here at the blog.
But, if it was one of y'all, it would be Classicaliberal. He's from Cali.
Word is just hitting the street that these “douchey voicemails” are just a VIRAL MARKETING hoax for a Hollywood documentary about “Dimitri The Lover” by some of the Borat/Bruno people. However, I knew all along and have been trying to tell people. Let me explain. Firstly, read this link …
I'm a member of the "Toronto Real Men", the world's only anti-metrosexual organization, run by "Dimitri The Lover", aka "The Prophet". In the same way that John Connor fights the machines for survival of humanity in “The Terminator”, The Prophet has dedicated his life to fight "Metrosexuality" for the survival of masculinity. He is a modern-day Rasputin ... a real-life Tyler Durden.
Here is the web site for the "Toronto Real Men": TORONTO REAL MEN ... if you go to the section in the menu on the left titled "Meeting Announcements", then click on "August", you will understand everything he is trying to do. Also, if you click on the link on the left titled "Media Centre", there's both a radio interview and an appearance in a documentary so you can hear The Prophet speak.
Also, everyone knows that women in Toronto are stuck up and play games. Here is how The Prophet deals with a single woman that likes him but still refuses to cough up her number ... he hands her this flyer: DIMITRI THE LOVER’S FLYER
Here is a link to some animations that have been banned by YouTube but give you a great indication of The Prophet's philosophy: DIMITRI THE LOVER’S BANNED ANIMATIONS ... the "Crucifixion of Dimitri" represents how he has suffered for all men.
Finally, here is The Prophet's main web site: DIMITRI THE LOVER’S WEB SITE
We heard at the last meeting that his Hollywood film (the one that the producers of Borat and Bruno created) is completed and should be released in the next few months. Then the world will know the truth about what The Prophet is doing to rid the world of feminism once and for all.
Okay, Paul is not gonna tell me who got tagged as the Mostest Metrosexual in his posse.
As usual, he ignores my inquiries. So, I must once again rely on others that comment. I wanna know who got tagged!
If it's you, fess up! If it ain't you and you know who it is, go ahead and turn the queer-bait in. Inquiring minds needs to no...
Dang...my word verification is "orgyist" Dang...
Awww, that's just a fluffy puppy!! :)
I could use that dog to keep ACORN and their '10 census crap away ;)
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