Friday, October 16, 2009

Checking Back in from the Dead

On Wednesday morning, I began a job that required me to crawl beneath a huge building and map the entire mechanical service throughout the whole building. It was literally a nightmare.

We had to wear chest waders, rain jackets, and drag around a large bus pan for our equipment. Seriously, the mud under the building was like glue. The air was so moisture laden as to render breathing almost impossible, plus the headroom was less than four feet in all areas. The temperature hovered around eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit.

At one point, each leg weighed approximately seventy pounds with the mud stuck to my waders. Needless to say, yesterday was a recovery day for my forty-five year old, pain-racked body.

But, I did read around 2000 news articles and blog posts. These are not necessarily the best, because I stayed mad the entire day, but they are certainly relevant to our daily discussion regarding government oppression.

First, let's address the Nobel issue once again. There were numerous posts yesterday about two of the Nobel's committee members objecting to Obama's nomination. Their original objections are irrelevant, people. The vote was unanimous in the end. The fact that the committee ultimately voted for Barry is the final comment from them. That decision also totally ignores that Barry is the very same guy that uttered these "peaceful words." ignoring the fact that Communists (yes, Barry is philosophically a fucking Communist) are the most murdering people in history kinda contradicts what the prize is FOR. Buy a clue.

By the way, wonder who the Nobel Committee turned down for their Nobel Peace Prize? Something seems oddly awry, huh?

Crowder comments on the award.

Zo chimes in.

As far as performance from the Executive Branch of the country, we must take a look at employment/unemployment numbers. Face it, there exists no sane person in the world that thinks Barry Obama is doing a good job. Sure, there are plenty of idiots that think that he is.

How in the world will Barry get re-elected when his is going to set the standard in FAIL for the Executive Branch? Well, obviously, he must produce more stupid voters to back him. This is easily done when you totally disregard the Constitution.

There are so many posts regarding "Universal Healthcare" that I would do nothing but link them all day every day if I was creating a round-up of medical services posts.

A study of the actual system in place now and how badly it is failing.

Another on the same thing.

Proof that ObamaCare will costs much, much more than the system we currently have now. Well, at least for people that fucking work.

Working folks will pay about FOUR THOUSAND MORE a year. Democrats are seriously INSANE. They have to control the Census to get re-elected. People that actually produce and participate in the economy refuse to vote for Democrats because they are NOT suicidal.

Colorado decides to start pulling back from the stupidity abyss. Minimum wage is honestly the dumbest of all the dumb legislation passed by Democrats. The worst part of that is that they know it and still push for more stupidity, too. Remember, it is the platform of the Democrat Party for everyone to be poor, hungry, and stupid.

Also, to point to the obvious stupidity perpetrated upon our country by Moonbats, here we have definitive proof that AGW proponents are idiotic imbeciles that are utterly dishonest in their beliefs. Um, a scientist that can change what little mind he has in a mere thirty years about something so vital? The answer is that he must get government funding to survive the stupidity roiling in his empty head.

Here's a few of my friends' notable posts from the last coupla' days.

MUD hauls out the sanity cudgel against those Wal*Mart haters.

Andy gives up totally on Keith Olberdouche.

Patrick honors the Unites States Navy. Sorry, squids for missing your day, remember, I suck.

Kevin Jackson, a black man, comments on the Rush Limbaugh/Rams deal. (No, Kevin's skin color is really unimportant to normal people, but is hugely important to racists.)

Social Media highlights.

Cliqset does FriendFeed correctly.

The first Firefox add-on for Google Wave. Dammit, send me my friggin' invitation already, you damn The Google.

Hours of FUN!!!

Book of Odds
. Check it out, folks. It is MATH!!!

And come around later for the first look at tomorrow's COLLEGE GAMEDAY!!!

Please take the time to comment.


Andy said...

Dang TD! I figured you was buried for good. But you done crawled up from the miry muck. Glad to hear it.

Hey, I thought architects sat behind comprutuhs, and did math problems, and graphs, and junk in the comfort of air conditioning.

I hope you had a video crew with you so that you can be the next star on "Dirty Jobs."

Sorry about the lack of head-room to do the brokeback deal...

I think RightGirl has it bad for you. You ought not put her off that way...

Skunkfeathers said...

Holy Sh**! You were wading through the crap that Barry, Pelosi, Fwank, and Olberdolt are full of!!!

Joubert said...

That sounds like hell especially the humidity factor.

Thanks for the link. I didn't think about the squids' birthday until my Andy, a former squid, reminded me.

Andy said...

Dang TD! I figured you was buried for good. But you done crawled up from the miry muck. Glad to hear it.

Hey, I thought architects sat behind comprutuhs, and did math problems, and graphs, and junk in the comfort of air conditioning.

I hope you had a video crew with you so that you can be the next star on "Dirty Jobs."

Sorry about the lack of head-room to do the brokeback deal...

I think RightGirl has it bad for you. You ought not put her off that way...