The fact that I outrank two of my favorite sports blogs in the world gives me much, much joy.
Yes, I am easily amused and my site is not nearly as good as any of those on this search. I admit my (hopefully) near mediocrity on a regular basis.
BUT!!! STILL!!! Sunday Morning Quarterback.
Please take the time to comment.
TD, you definitely got nuttin' on me in that mediocrity department. Crud!
Hey, "you're number ONE Pal" in the preachin' the truth about ESPN.
And danged near everything else, I might add...Just so you don't have to.
Oh yeah, did I forget to mention, "I SUCK!"
It takes very little to amuse me too. Google "CBS sucks" and I come up first.
And dang, Jan, that is from July of last year, too. I have to keep in the ESPN Sucks fray to stay at the top!
It's obvious that the blogisphere thinks you rock.
TD, you definitely got nuttin' on me in that mediocrity department. Crud!
Hey, "you're number ONE Pal" in the preachin' the truth about ESPN.
And danged near everything else, I might add...Just so you don't have to.
And dang, Jan, that is from July of last year, too. I have to keep in the ESPN Sucks fray to stay at the top!
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