Flat-out Linkdump.
GMAC needs more of our tax money. DONE.
Leftie reactions to Limbaugh chest pains.
Is the federal government buying stocks to keep the market up?
That pesky housing market.
Democrats murder DC school children for fun and union votes.
Charges against Blackwater guards dropped.
DemoRATS jumping the sinking ship.
Black Congressional Democrats are the HOUSE NEGROES.
Speaking of racism, you mean they are writing it directly into bills now?
Death Panels? It's in there!
Oh, there MIGHT be problems with Democrat accounting on stuff.
Democrat's "healthcare" bill the worst ever legislation.
Al Franken is an idiot. (Yes, he is a Democrat and that is redundant.)
Um, Israel called ALL of their ambassadors home for a meeting?
Iran buys some yellowcake.
Democrats increase benefits for our military, but make them impossible to receive.
Gotta keep those kids from learning real science, you know?
Obama is not a very smart guy and he sucks in positions of powah.
Good news on the "employment" front, the recession is OVAH.
Fox News is almost better than CNN, according to some reports.
The Year in Moonbattery.
Lessons from John Galt.
Security is great under the Obama Administration. They are so SMIRT.
Obama KNEW about "The Nigerian."
Obama REALLY knew about "The Nigerian." AND! the other bomber on board, too.
The five most popular You Tube channels.
For some reason, chicks never listen.
I had to add the humorous posts at the bottom just to let you know that I am undeterred by the fact that we have a doddering idiot running our country. Our freedom is bigger than Obama's ears. Trust me on that, justice shall win out in the end. He shall die a bitter old hater just like Jimmy Carter. And yes, we'll have to listen to Barry for a long damn time because the typical idiot media shall continue to fluff this moron until Hell freezes over.
That is all.
Until next year. (I freakin' hate that damn joke, too!)
Please take the time to comment.
thanks for the links though some looked too depressing to check out.
Oh and have a non sucky 2010
Jan, they are most definitely depressing. It is good you chose not to check them all out.
Best wishes to you and yours, too.
Happy New Year, Paul. I saw that about Israel calling in all their peeps yesterday, and it made me wonder. Any chance they're trying to make the target tempting to the Iranians so they'll make the first move? Perhaps they're not really meeting at that location. Maybe I've been reading too many mysteries...
2010 is all set to be a suckass year, until/unless November rescues us at the polls. THEN, it'll be a true Thanksgiving/Merry Christmas/Happy New Year to go out on ;)
All Dems go down in '10. Ballot death to libtards!
I have a Dream that Barry and Al frankin grow old together and in the same room at the Old Folks Home. I wonder who will grow the most senile the earliest. MUD
Denise, I don't see that you could be far off, calling back all of the ambassadors is huge. H-U-G-E.
Skunks, we are going to do this, especially if the Dems start pushing for illegal alien amnesty, which they HAVE to do.
MUD, see a doctor if you are dreaming about Al Franken. I am worried.
Iran bought some yellow cake?! I sure hope they got the chocolate frosting to go along with it. Nothing is as good as chocolate frosting on yellow cake!
Iran bought some yellow cake?! I sure hope they got the chocolate frosting to go along with it. Nothing is as good as chocolate frosting on yellow cake!
2010 is all set to be a suckass year, until/unless November rescues us at the polls. THEN, it'll be a true Thanksgiving/Merry Christmas/Happy New Year to go out on ;)
All Dems go down in '10. Ballot death to libtards!
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