Sunday, January 10, 2010

Because Batshit Crazy Comes in all Different Sizes

It never ceases to amaze me some of the things that folks believe with absolutely no skepticism at all. They need no facts, no proofs, not one shred of evidence and still they believe certain stuff. Even as a very small child, I needed proof of damn near everything. I am a natural skeptic and a natural cynic. I want to delve deeper into anything that interests me. I guess that I am just curious by nature, but plenty of folks are not. There are an awful lot of folks that go through life without taking one second to move beyond the very limited knowledge of what they are taught from others. And that is their right, too!

BUT! When those folks that are, by nature or nurture, intellectually incurious, and their intellectually incurious attitude starts to invade my personal space, I push back. And how. I do not live in a country that forces me to believe what everyone else believes and for that I am very grateful. Guaranteed in our very constitution is an individual right to practice religion as I see fit.

For the past five years, I have been publishing this blog. These are my thoughts, and they belong to me. I certainly hope that I can win minds over to my way of thinking, otherwise I would not publish. The way that I win those folks over is that I produce facts and evidence to back my ideology. Again, I am naturally skeptical and inquisitive, so if something peaks my interest, I dive right in and learn as much as I can about that topic. This makes me a huge target and I accept that willingly.

Anyhoo, there are certain topics that have been pretty settled for me for quite some time. Years even. That is okay, too. If new evidence arises that disputes my ideology, I willingly look at it, parse the information, and modify my understanding if necessary. Such is the nature of knowledge in a world that has only just now reached the damn computer age.

Yet, there are a few things upon which I am immovable and I readily admit that. Mathematics are king in my world. If something contradicts basic mathematics, you know, it kinda has to be false in Paul-land. ONE AND ONE IS TWO. THE ANSWER IS TWO BECAUSE THAT IS THE NAME THAT WE GAVE THE SUM OF ONE AND ONE. I guess I made a decision long ago to base my knowledge upon those things, but I really have no concrete memory of ever having consciously done so.

But, well, well, well, we have found some leftist science that attempts to contradict this mathematical standard that I have set for my knowledge. A very good, specific example would be the leftist belief in The Theory of Natural Selection. The minimum standard of basic mathematics tells us if all life "evolved" from one single celled organism, then the basic concept contained by The Theory of Natural Selection would have produced BY FAR more failures than successes. Random mutation simply must provide those failures at a much greater rate than it would the successes. Therefore, most of the fossil history would show much greater evidence of failure than success. It would also produce huge numbers of transitional animals and plants, but never have we found one in the search of over 150 years. In other words, based only on the known mathematics standards, The Theory of Natural Selection is patently untrue. If Darwinists find an animal or plant that does not fit their timeline, they simply modify their timeline to shoehorn that animal or plant into their theory and continue.

Not only that, Darwinists (those that have FAITH in Natural Selection) have stated that everything proves Charles Darwin's theory. If EVERYTHING proves the theory, then exactly how do you perform experiments? By definition, The Theory of Natural Selection becomes what is known as a "pseudo-science" meaning that it is utterly disprovable. The very theory contradicts what science IS by definition.

science - a method of learning about the physical universe by applying the principles of the scientific method, which includes making empirical observations, proposing hypotheses to explain those observations, and testing those hypotheses in valid and reliable ways; also refers to the organized body of knowledge that results from scientific study

So in other words, The Theory of Natural Selection meets none of the criteria to even be acknowledged as science, but still those Darwin Cultists persist. Personally, I think that they only want to disprove G_d, but I have no clue what goes on in the mind of crazy people.

Also, since the freedom to practice any religion at all was solidified in The Constitution, Darwinists and their religion do not affect me. It is irrelevant in Paul-land and has been since I was a very young person, because I could perform basic mathematics.

But, the ideology or religion of Anthropomorphic Global Warming affects me greatly. Since the cult of AGW has been repeatedly refuted by actual scientific evidence, the AGWers have gotten more and more persistent. There is even a disciple occupying the White House right now! Please ignore the fact that the latest prophets are the very same folks that promoted the ideology of the coming NEW! and Improved! Little Ice Age a mere thirty-five years ago (dump those aerosol cans!!! *pdf here* please notice that even then they were trying to reduce population growth), WE SWEAR WE ARE GOING TO BURN THE FUCK UP!!!

Since the temperature climb that the AGWer disciples were referencing ended in the late 1990s, they have slowly started calling their religion, "Catastrophic Climate Change." The fun part about this whole scenario is that there have been ZERO scientific standards set (that have been followed) to determine even the basic raw data necessary to perform the experiments to record FREAKING temperature.

Also COMPRE-FREAKING-HEND that the damn scale for determining temperature was only conceived in 1724. That would be two hundred eighty five years ago for you leftists that cannot perform basic mathematics. The Celsius scale was not conceived until 1742. Remember, the Celsius scale was modified in 1954, too. Just so you know, that is when the Kelvin Scale was given its modern definition. By the way, rarely is the Fahrenheit scale used for scientific experiments in case you were wondering. Why? I could not care less, why.

So, in the "science" world, the actual temperature scale was not even truly solidified until FIFTY-FIVE years ago. On a planet around three point five billion years old! But, fuck me to death, folks. Man has fucked up the world and we are all going to die, we better pass some laws outlawing the emissions of CO^2!!!

Since leftist "science" just NOW has a very basic platform for you to understand, maybe the normal folks, NOT BATSHIT CRAZY, might want to speak up about having all of our civil liberties removed from our lives because of something that is a mere twenty-three percent of the age of our very country.

You see how crazy and crazy and crazy it is to be a liberal? At some point, I shall figure out how it is that the ideological left can even continue to exist.

And one question for the believers in the religion of Darwinism, if there is a survival of the fittest concept built directly into your religion, why are y'all the ones that get all pissy when I put dolphin in my canned tuna? It seems that the continued extinction of species would help you in your worship ceremonies. Y'all should make a bunch of signs that say, "Fuck the polar bears!" and team up with your compatriots, the AGWers, to create a super religion or something.

Please take the time to comment.


Joubert said...

Like you, my mind is made up on most issues but Darwinism is one of those where my inner jury is still out. I sure don't believe it the way most Darwinist do but I can't write it off completely yet.

Skunkfeathers said...

Again, I bow to the Great One who digs for answers to things I ponder not, and tells it with a conviction and brevity that I can understand. Especially with those single syllable colorful metaphors that get the f***ing point across ;)

My mind was made up on many things, long ago. On others, I listen, I weigh, I learn, and sometimes I admit I can accept adaptations. But when it comes to libtard ideology...phffffft. It's crap, from A to Z.

Paul Mitchell said...

Patrick, as far as evolution goes, I do certainly believe in that. When I have finished my time on this planet, I hope to evolve into something that goes on to the afterlife and experiences a place that my minimal imagination cannot conceive. If I accept that man evolved from apes and human life began in Africa, I have to accept that the black man is less evolved than the white man. I cannot force myself to do that. Darwinists even tried to mate a black woman to an ape to prove their theory. I think that is evil.

Skunks, I try to limit the four letter words, but I fail miserably sometimes. Shit.

Human Ape said...

paul mitchell, leftist science? Since when did evolutionary biology become a political idea?

paul mitchell, in your comment you wrote "If I accept that man evolved from apes and human life began in Africa, I have to accept that the black man is less evolved than the white man."

That would make you an ignorant racist. People who understand evolution (unlike people like you who know nothing about evolution) know that each human race evolved to be best able to survive in the environment they were in. So people who have lighter colored skin are descended from the people who lived in northern climates. The lighter skin is better able to absorb vitamin D from what little sun there is up north. People who have darker skin descended from people from tropical climates. The darker skin helps protect against skin cancer.

So according to evolutionary theory, each human race is the best possible race for the environment they lived in. Therefore there is no superior race.

Paul Mitchell, you also wrote "When I have finished my time on this planet, I hope to evolve into something that goes on to the afterlife and experiences a place that my minimal imagination cannot conceive."

Mr. Mitchell, when you drop dead you become worm food. And that's it. Your afterlife idea is childish wishful thinking that does not have one shred of evidence.

You also talked about "the religion of Darwinism".

Look it. Evolutionary biology is science. It's not a religion and it's not a political idea. You really need to educate yourself mister.

Andy said...

Oh man...this is gonna be fun...

TD, don't you just LOVE it when the smartest guy on the internet steps into your world?

I wish I had time to observe...sigh.

Skunkfeathers said...

Human ape apparently evolved his mental acuity from the latter half. Especially taking this post on.

*ring side seat for the coming main event*

Staci said...

Dude says "debates are a waste of time" but it appears he really wants to start one.

I'm all ears.

MUD said...

The truly sad thing is that instead of helping people understand that there are hundreds of things out there that we don't understand, people want us to understand "their way". Entire cults and parties of people cling to the hope that they are the only right way. I would hope that we can reach a way to educate people that there are many theories and the better educated they are, the less they will really "Know." We need to get people energised to vote and quit playing with their damned electronic games. (As I sit here learning how to work this damned iPhone) MUD

Paul Mitchell said...

MUD, you know that the minute that we allegedly see some minute change in things, those pesky "progressives" screech to keep it just the way it is (like the planet's temp), unless it means taking more money from our pockets, then they are all for it (like the planet's temp).

Y'all, I really don't think that Human Ape shall respond, because if he read my subsequent comment, he knows he proved my point.

MUD said...

The truly sad thing is that instead of helping people understand that there are hundreds of things out there that we don't understand, people want us to understand "their way". Entire cults and parties of people cling to the hope that they are the only right way. I would hope that we can reach a way to educate people that there are many theories and the better educated they are, the less they will really "Know." We need to get people energised to vote and quit playing with their damned electronic games. (As I sit here learning how to work this damned iPhone) MUD

Skunkfeathers said...

Human ape apparently evolved his mental acuity from the latter half. Especially taking this post on.

*ring side seat for the coming main event*