What am I consistently worried about? Freedom. Individuality. Personal accomplishment. Wealth.
Oddly, all of those things are so intertwined as to be utterly inseparable. Again, there are maybe two different camps of folks. Those that attempt to wind their way through life with minimal outside interference and then there are those that cannot do anything for themselves. I like to think that I am in the former camp, but the latter camp keeps trying to kidnap me and drag me into their camp to support them. I kick and scream in defiance.
There have been monumental changes in the past couple of days that kinda point to the fact that there are quite a few folks that are trying to escape from the loser camp and join the winners.
But, the losers do not want their best and brightest to decamp. They will go to the ends of the Earth to keep that from happening, but once someone's eyes are fully opened, it is hard to shut them again.
The fun part about the election in Massholeland? The Obama administration is going with the meme that it is a referendum on George W. Bush. Seriously, how in the mortal Hell could anyone even get that crazy?
Here is a bulk e-mail from the Party of the Morons that is striking in the ignorance shown. They think that they need to ramp up their agenda even MORE? Folks, these "people" need to be locked the fuck up. They are dangerous to themselves and others.
What do losers do when they are exposed? They immediately attack. And everyone gets bloody. Obama and his depressed band of idiots are attacking our personal wealth like never before.
But, that was to be expected, they have been doing it for a while now.
But, they have ramped up their efforts in the last year. Seriously ramped up their efforts.
The really strange thing is that they makes these ridiculous moves and simply cannot figure out why bad things keep happening. Unemployment is UNEXPECTEDLY higher? Seriously, there is a single person that doesn't know that what Democrats do destroys the economy? Does no one remember Jimmy Carter?
Zero Hedge adds more to the unemployment issue. Do you still believe that the economy is IMPROVING? Or do you see now that Obama and the idiots on his side are lying to you to get what they want?
Why is it that every time the left comes up with an "idea," the end result is the exact opposite of what they intended to accomplish? Could it be because they ignore, mathematics, science, and history? Or could it be because they are inherently evil? Anyhoo, we are going to die if they get their way on medical services.
Do you realize that the folks that have been running the show in DC since January 2007, are wrong on everything?
How do reduce crime? Well, an armed populace does wonders for that. But, the Democrats want everyone to be disarmed, EXCEPT DEMOCRATS. This little tidbit of news brought back memories of another huge proponent of gun control that did the very same thing years ago. (Scroll down to "Controversies.") These are perfect examples of the definition of HYPOCRITES.
You know how to end ALL CRIME? This is seriously the best idea that I have heard in a long time.
Do you know why most folks do not know what is actually going on? Because our national media ignores their responsibility that is inherent in the First Amendment and they simply cheer for their socialist friends. Michelle Obama is amazing? Only to idiots that have no clue what is reality. She is right up there with Hillary Clinton as being a hideously repulsive human being.
And when their leftist groups are busted for their overwhelming corruption, they just regroup under another name and continue the very same tactics.
What do Democrat ultimately hope to achieve? A society that rivals Haiti in its corruption and poverty.
And how do they make it possible to accomplish these goals? By trying to push the idea that morons like the below example are legitimately unbiased. Guess again.

Maybe the adults need to try those tactics that have always worked with ignorant children in the past. BEAT. THAT. ASS.
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Yeppers...Barry says they "got the message". So what do they do? Deny, spin, and look for another underhanded way to get their agenda jammed down our throats.
And look for more pressure to ramp up the hypocritically-called "Fairness Doctrine", since the Left blames it for Virginia, NJ, Mass, and every effort by intelligent people to point out the lies, deceit and fraud at work in Barry's little udopia he wants to force on us (cuz he knows we're too smart to gleefully accept it).
We won a battle; but the war goes on, and we have to keep tossin' out the libtard riffraff in '10..'12..'14..'16...every friggin' election.
Yeppers...Barry says they "got the message". So what do they do? Deny, spin, and look for another underhanded way to get their agenda jammed down our throats.
And look for more pressure to ramp up the hypocritically-called "Fairness Doctrine", since the Left blames it for Virginia, NJ, Mass, and every effort by intelligent people to point out the lies, deceit and fraud at work in Barry's little udopia he wants to force on us (cuz he knows we're too smart to gleefully accept it).
We won a battle; but the war goes on, and we have to keep tossin' out the libtard riffraff in '10..'12..'14..'16...every friggin' election.
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