I would link the article, BUT! The Clarion-Ledger has decided to accelerate the demise of their paper.
This article started me thinking about what I learned in school. We had a class called "Health" almost every year that I was in elementary and junior high school. I do not remember what the Hell we took in high school because I was drunk all the time. Yet, I think back to that "Health" class and recall vividly learning the proper names and functions of the various reproductive organs and the things necessary to produce offspring. I remember it like it was yesterday, plus my moron kid and I actually had conversations about that very thing. You see, my kid did not have a "Health" class in public school, but in fourth grade, they started teaching him about SCREWING. Yes, that is when he got sent to private school. There is a post on this mediocre blog about that day, too.
You see, the classroom is NOT the place to teach children about SCREWING. I am sorry if some parents cannot or will not have that conversation with their kids, but teaching normal kids about sex kinda runs contrary to MOLESTATION LAWS. When an adult, other than YOU talks to YOUR kid about SCREWING, there is something dreadfully wrong. In my opinion, every school teacher that does it should be put on the SEX CRIMES list and mapped until the end of time. You know, since I am NOT crazy.
For your information, HERE's the Google News search for "teachers and sex crimes." It says that there 385 RECENT articles, however, I clicked the 10th page and expanded to over 30 subsequent pages. Try the search yourself. The actual Google Search page returns over one millions hits for the same search. In case you were unaware, the profession that leads ALL OTHERS in the percentage of sex crimes with minors is that of public school teachers.
To add to the demise of national and local media, they threw an absolute shit-fit over a couple of Catholic priests and their bishops that were covering up sex crimes with minors. Weird that the media would go to the mat over that and ignore the overwhelmingly higher percentage in AVERAGE citizens v. priests and the monumental disparity between public school teachers v. priests. It is ALMOST like media folks have an agenda or something.
Anyhoo, Senior in high school boy did not even mention that he should have kept his joint in his dungarees, he just talked about not being taught how to screw without consequences. Senior in high school, you have a RUDE awakening looming on your horizon. There are consequences for EVERY act that you undertake in your lifetime. Since you only want hot teenage sex with no consequences, I anticipate a long, painful life for you, son.
In further WRONGNESS news, the Clarion-Ledger talks budget yet again. Of course they lament the fact that Governor Haley Barbour has cut a single dollar from the public school system. Oddly, they are not too disappointed that the Governor also forced cuts in corrections. The thing that gets me is that the C-L is all up in arms that the governor is cutting funds to a horrendously failing institution, schools, and they are okay with him cutting from a successful one, JAILS. Luckily, the Democrats in the state house passed a budget that does exactly what the Clarion-Ledger wants, but Barbour has guaranteed that he would VETO it. I wish that Haley had gotten a little closer to George W. Bush a few years ago, maybe we would not have the idiot Democrat US Congress now if Bush had been a little tighter with the cash.
The final Clarion-Ledger story is about racial profiling in farm loans. Of course, with a President that is almost half-black and an idiot Congress running the show, there is a very good chance that they shall give money based solely on race. Let's simply ignore the fact that subsidizing farms is like one of the dumbest things that could possibly happen. Government subsidy of anything always results in the worst possible outcome. With government money, comes government regulation. You know like forcing farmers to grow corn to fuel automobiles. FARM FAIL.
As a response to the Clarion-Ledger's resident idiot, David Hampton, calling for tax increases every Sunday, I offer the true solution to all that hampers the country. End all government outlays. Including the military. End them totally and start completely over with a mandatory reading of our Constitution. If there are questions regarding the tenets of that august document, get Scalia to explain it in words easy for Democrats to understand. By that, I mean obviously in grunts or at least just one syllable words.
As a point of reference, currently we spend over 340 billion dollars a year in this country to educate, house, clothe, incarcerate, and give medical services to ILLEGAL aliens. Take a second to reflect on that. We spent 340 BILLION a year on people that are not even supposed to be here. That is ELEVEN TIMES the annual state budget of Mississippi. Last year, Mississippi had a budget of twenty-nine point eight BILLION dollars ($29,000,000,000.00). That 340 billion is OVER THREE TIMES the yearly budget of California.
Put it in perspective, please.
Since you probably went to public school, today in 1942, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered ALL United States citizens of Japanese descent to PRISON. Today, we shelter ILLEGAL ALIENS from incarceration, well at least until they RAPE YOUR MINOR daughter. WTF?!?!?!?!
You see, liberalism or "Progressivism" or stupidity, whatever you want to call it, has poisoned the intellect of this country. We have people afraid to call a spade a spade. Words have value, folks.
The idiot mentality of the left has led to things like trying to charge a Mayor with a federal HATE CRIME for merely uttering the word "Christian" in a public setting. SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?! You have GOT to be fucking kidding me. (Hat-Tip: Kathy Shaidle)
Check it:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Now, how in the absolute mortal Heaven could Congress pass a single law telling ANYONE in the country that they cannot say something about their religiosity? I mean, we cannot even lock up everyone that practices Islam, how in the Hell could we charge someone with a crime for saying something about Christianity? Oh, wait, it is the Muslims that are screeching about the mayor's words. And they are the sole unwritten exception to the "shall make no law..."
You know, unwritten in the Constitution is pretty much all we follow these days. Right to privacy to kill your children, right to making an established wage, right to FREE! medical services, a house, a car, a big screen television, to food, clothing...seriously, the list is endless what wonderful rights we have now. We even have a right to get government handouts for being black while farming.
But, at least there are plenty of photos of the Holocaust Memorial in Germany on the internet.
If anyone can tell me how the human species can survive liberalism or "Preogressivism," drop me a line.
Please take the time to comment.
I read the article earlier about the Mayor out in Cali-stinkin'-fornia who had his chops busted.
Seriously, I think these tratwaffles have over-played their hand. Dunno. Maybe it's just me...but I think the normally kind, considerate, patient folks of these United States have HAD IT!
I hear true frustration, and (maybe long overdue) rage from the regular folks I know.
As far as "Health/Sex Ed, etc." We did not have that when I went to school. I learned all about it from the real experts...my older brother, and his friends. My Momma, and Daddy NEVER talked to me about it.
As the father of four sons (three that are now grown, and on their own), I can proudly say that they learned ALL about it just like I did.
On their own...
Andy, y'all really didn't have Health? I thought that everyone had that up until Jimmuh Carter started the Ed Dept. My folks did not have the talk with me either. That surely didn't keep me from spawning either. Dang it. But, I had the conversation with my kid. Not about sex, but about the importance of saving that for someone that you would meet further down the road that would appreciate him saving it. It did no good. Stupid kid.
Your "Clapidus Licker" dumitor Hampton seems bound and determined to take stupid to new lows never before achieved by libtards.
Which I didn't think was possible, watching Barry & Co.
Andy, y'all really didn't have Health? I thought that everyone had that up until Jimmuh Carter started the Ed Dept. My folks did not have the talk with me either. That surely didn't keep me from spawning either. Dang it. But, I had the conversation with my kid. Not about sex, but about the importance of saving that for someone that you would meet further down the road that would appreciate him saving it. It did no good. Stupid kid.
I read the article earlier about the Mayor out in Cali-stinkin'-fornia who had his chops busted.
Seriously, I think these tratwaffles have over-played their hand. Dunno. Maybe it's just me...but I think the normally kind, considerate, patient folks of these United States have HAD IT!
I hear true frustration, and (maybe long overdue) rage from the regular folks I know.
As far as "Health/Sex Ed, etc." We did not have that when I went to school. I learned all about it from the real experts...my older brother, and his friends. My Momma, and Daddy NEVER talked to me about it.
As the father of four sons (three that are now grown, and on their own), I can proudly say that they learned ALL about it just like I did.
On their own...
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