Sorry that I missed Blackuary II, but I spent today driving through the snow covered mountains trying too damn hard not to shit my pants. Eastern Kentucky is a beautiful place, but I would have much preferred seeing it from the damn passenger seat. Two lane roads headed out of obviously the freaking shipping hub of the entire United States with semi-trucks trying to get down the road at break neck speeds doesn't sit too well with this warm-climate Mississippi boy.
At one point I just pulled over and cussed at the top of my lungs at nothing in particular.

You know what is really, really fun besides driving through a mountain pass with "bridges ice before highway" signs dotted every five feet? Well, other than the sleet I mean? Ice/waterfalls ten feet from the highway.
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I know you are, IWNR, but what am I?
Dis, seriously, I have never seen snow over maybe four inches in my life. Driving through the friggin' mountains in sleet? NO FUCKING FUN.
Would I do it again? Hells to the yeah. Beautiful scenery around these parts. Them danged 18 wheeled trucks is what made me nervous, though.
CA blows hippy chunks, but at least I don't have to deal with weather like that unless I want to. I don't want.
Google 'Blizzard of '78'
Grew up in that. All other storms pale beside it.
I am with you on the crazy ass 18 wheelers. Other than they tend to take others with them when they crash, I love seeing them jack knifed after going too fast in that kind of weather.
If you can hack the drive the view is awesome almost anywhere it snows.
Did you stop and feed the polar bears?
TD, I understand. Imagine this warm weather southern boy moving to Durango, Colorado in the year of the "100 year snowfall."
Son, every time I had to head over Red Mountain, or Wolf Creek Pass in that junk I literally wish I'd been wearing a diaper.
It's pretty to look at, though. Glad you made it back.
That highway looks like I-44 eastbound through OKC, well, at least the SOLID SHEET OF ICE part.
Glad you made it through safe. When you combine the condition of the truck itself, the condition of the truck driver, and an icy road, there's a good chance there might be a bad outcome.
Dang, Dis, that sounds like too much fun. Y'all check it out. This was before Al Gore invented global warming. This was back when James Hanson said that we were all going to freeze to death: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northeastern_United_States_blizzard_of_1978
Skunks, I tried to get a photo of the mallards at the Wendys that did not fly south. They were the epitome of why welfare doesn't work.
Andy, I told the folks riding with me that I was stopping to get some diapers at one point. I know what you mean, but this is no 100 year storm, either, so I guess that would be much, much worse.
Staci, I have driven that Quanah Parker toll road from OKC to Altus in those icy conditions. Only one difference with the Kentucky hills though, you can see the road more than 100 yards ahead of you in Okieland. On this mountain pass, you would not see the road as you crested the mountains at all, there was only sheer rocks walls in front of you with no damn clue where the road went. Those trucks did not make it peaceful, though.
Oh, and IWNR, go eat Jason's dick.
My nerves would be shot while at the same time I'd be enjoying the beauty of it all. My fight-or-flight response wouldn't know which way to go.
Red, I ate through my bottom lip yesterday during the drive. But, it was pretty.
Wow! The ice waterfall is cool. Blame El Nino. We're having a mild wet winter and you guys are getting all the ice and snow.
Patrick, it was very pretty, but right next to the road which was unnerving.
Just can't drive a little further to NC?
How is Snowmageddon working out for you, Ting?
How is Snowmageddon working out for you, Ting?
Staci, I have driven that Quanah Parker toll road from OKC to Altus in those icy conditions. Only one difference with the Kentucky hills though, you can see the road more than 100 yards ahead of you in Okieland. On this mountain pass, you would not see the road as you crested the mountains at all, there was only sheer rocks walls in front of you with no damn clue where the road went. Those trucks did not make it peaceful, though.
Oh, and IWNR, go eat Jason's dick.
Red, I ate through my bottom lip yesterday during the drive. But, it was pretty.
Wow! The ice waterfall is cool. Blame El Nino. We're having a mild wet winter and you guys are getting all the ice and snow.
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