From an e-mail exchange started yesterday, concluding this morning:
Moron: The governor already signed the bill idiot.
Me: What governor, what bill?
Moron: The one you didn't read.
Me: That narrows it down. Thanks.
Moron: Miss governor pseudoephedrine bill
Me: Barbour signed that stupid bill?
Moron: he had signed it when you wrote about it
Me: I never wrote about the bill.
Moron: this
Me: Um, yeah, I wrote that, but it is not about any bill.
Moron: Dumbass, this is what you wrote: There is a new bill plodding its way through the Mississippi state house. This bill shall require a prescription to buy over the counter cold medication. No, I have NOT read the bill, NO I am not going to read the bill, YES, it IS a stupid bill.
Me: Yep, but that post is not about the bill. Did you read my post or are you just here to make me feel good about my intelligence?
Moron: how can you say that is not about the bill
Me: Well, because it is about supply and demand and how stupid the methodology of government is. It is not about increasing medicine and medical costs for zero results. It is about doing something that will not reduce the crime of meth usage.
Sorry if you are not sharp enough to grasp the concepts.
Moron: I am not the one that said that I was not going to read the bill.
Me: There was no reason for me to READ the bill, it is never going to work to reduce usage of meth anyway. And the reason that it is not going to work is because it does not address DEMAND. Once something is invented, it cannot be UNinvented. That is kinda what I said in my post. Understand? The post was not about the bill, it was about INTENT.
Moron: But, you said that the bill was not signed yet.
Me: My post was not about the bill. Your point?
Moron: you didn't read the bill and you didn't know it was signed
Me: The bill has nothing to do with my post, sir. Again, did you read my post?
Moron: no
Please take the time to comment.
Yep, you nailed it...Moron 0, Paul 10.
Perhaps that also 'splains the WV: ablellor
That's gotta be the "Meat Thinking retard," huh? That dude that nobody reads, and has to try his best to piss off real bloggers so that he'll get the table scraps?
That's him, huh? I know it is.
It's gotta be.
Oregon was the first to make pseudephedrine available by Rx only. Guess what - it's still available from Mexico - and it's cheaper.
Patrick, my original post was about the fact that making it harder to get cold medicine does nothing to reduce demand for meth. I said to execute a meth user and watch use plummet to the point that no one would make it. Attacking supply doesn't work after the drug has been invented.
My post was about solving the meth problem and the democrat controlled state house not doing anything to curb use.
Were you and the Moron married in an earlier life? Every once in a while I have these kind of discussions at the breakfast table. Normally I just swallow my ppride and move on. MUD
MUD, it sure sounds like one of those morning conversations, right?
Executing a meth user won't stop anything. They are killing themselves when they use it. Most of the users wouldn't know or care that one of their own has be executed. They die or go to prison everyday.
(D)T5, if anyone would know what meth users want, it would be someone living dead in the middle of downtown Bammeroidville. Thanks for the heads up.
PM - I'm not sure where you draw your energy from. Arguing with libtards is exhausting, I can't be bothered any more.
Are you hooked up to a machine that feeds you oxygen?
Mayor, I wish I were hooked up on oxygen, but the reason that I can talk to them, endlessly even, is because I raised a baby by myself. Same thing.
Were you and the Moron married in an earlier life? Every once in a while I have these kind of discussions at the breakfast table. Normally I just swallow my ppride and move on. MUD
MUD, it sure sounds like one of those morning conversations, right?
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