The more that I read in the news and the more that I hear from people that are so obviously tweaked in the head, the more that I just want to melt into the ether, never to be heard from again. But, I like the human interaction that I have on a daily basis. True, my circle of friends continues to grow smaller as I age because there are some folks that just rub me the wrong way. I do not actively seek those people out. Remember, I am trying to make my existence on this Earth as fantabulously awesomatic as I can, kinda like MUD says, rolling into the finish line dropping parts all over the place, and laughing like a deranged child.
That said, does anyone think that placing SCREWING high on the list of priorities of employment is a good idea? I certainly do not. How in the world does anyone think that politicizing our military on the homosexual (or Hell, heterosexual) front is something that should be done? Let's try this out.
"Okay Mr. Smith, it says here that you do not care which sex of person you screw, do you think that will affect your employment here at Industries for the Blind?"
What some people fail to realize is that openly flaunting your preference for screwing in the workplace is ALSO sexual harassment. Is it just me or did people used to think that screwing in public was a BAD IDEA?
How about repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell and installing a philosophy of "Shut the Fuck Up, it is None of Your Fucking Business?" And making sure that ALL employees will refrain from screwing while at work? Come on, people, this is just not rocket surgery.
Which brings us to today's philosophical dumping and why liberalism/progressivism is so freaking stupid.
You can pick any issue and prove how those on the left are completely wrong in their ideology. There is NO ISSUE where they are correct. It defies all logic and intelligence that anyone could be wrong on everything and still have any platform upon which to spew their nonsense.
The criminal Mexican problem. Um, they are BREAKING THE LAW coming here. If you did not like the law, Mr. Moronic Democrat, then why did you pass it? Oh, you are saying that your opinion changed? Then you did not base your opinion on anything that mattered, just like every other opinion you have ever formulated. "Living, breathing document" MY ASS, you go whichever way the winds blow at the moment. Deeper thought on anything is impossible for you.
We can go through line by line on any Democrat/liberal/progressive policy and do the very same thing. This is the United States of America, folks. We have a way to change the law if we so desire and that is a good thing, too.
I say all of these things to say this, there were times in the past where groups of people got together and passed legislation that was diametrically opposed to the tenets of individual freedoms set forth in our Constitution. Sorry, that is just fact. And yes, the Constitution actually made legal the terrible concepts of owning humans and that women were not afforded the rights of men. We just accept that and move on with CHANGING THE DAMNED LAW. But, slavery was abolished in 1865 and women got the right to vote and hold office in 1920.
Now, it is true that Democrats to this day fight against these measures, but luckily normal people do not listen to Democrats and have always fought tooth and nail against Democrat's idiotic policies.
But, liberals/progressives think that once the law is changed, they must then figure out how to install some sort of damage reparations. Does anyone else think that it is just ludicrous for a woman to whine and complain about the difficulties experienced by other women nearly one hundred years ago? What about black folks that whine and complain about how tough their slave ancestors had it back in the mid-1800s? Of course it is silly and as long as those people maintain that mentality, they will never experience the success that they could have had. By some stroke of imagination, you are affected by something that happened to people that you did not even know and have no actual knowledge about? Ridiculous.
Oh, women's RIGHTS now include the ability to kill a child you made? Um, call me old fashioned, but isn't killing children a BAD THING? Why would you WANT to do that? You see, that might make you kinda EVIL and stuff, arguing for the "right" to kill children? Women, Hell HUMANS are supposed to be better than that, you know?
Now, at this present time there are some folks that look to idiots like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Sonia Sotomayor, and finally Elena Kagan as some sort of heroines for women. Nothing could be further from the truth. These women are the very reason why normal women do not get the respect that they truly deserve. None of these liberal women have done anything to MERIT the positions that they hold. Hillary is the wife of an impeached president worshiped by idiots, that is the ONLY reason that she was elected as Senator of New York. Who the Hell knows why Pelosi was ever elected to Congress? Pelosi raises the idiot barre daily. Sonia Sotomayor is now a Supreme because she was the most incompetent person that Barry Obama could find to nominate, and Kagan has ZERO accomplishments, so her confirmation should be easy. WTF? Do these sound like the types of women that should be the most admired? Do not even get me started on Madeleine Albright or Janet Reno, what kind of douchebag would even bring them out of a basement to flaunt their stupidity?
Joy Behar, a truly deranged liberal idiot, states that "strong" women are naturally liberal. Um, does that sound a little like "Congrats to Me on My Awesomeness?" Behar only WISHES strong women identified with the liberal agenda, only milquetoast women (that know their place) do in actuality.
What happened to Condoleezza Rice, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Michele Bachmann, or G_d forbid, Sarah Palin? These women are the very epitome of strong women and yet....
The left has made H-U-G-E strides to destroy these women. Why do you think that is? Could it be that they FORGOT their place in a society that is run by the misogyny of the Democrat philosophy? You DAMNED skippy it is.
You see, what those on the liberal/progressive ENDS of the political spectrum want to achieve is a complete and total surrender of ALL individuality and personal achievement. Those people that rise above the rest by their sheer determination, gumption, and ACTIONS are attacked to force them back into the masses of the mediocre crowd.
Again and again you can see that there is NOT a desire to promote the success of women or black folks per se, it is about the desire to promote the liberal agenda that dictates the level of success one is ALLOWED to achieve. "You've made enough money." If someone accidentally screws up and rises out of the plantation mentality of the left, they are quickly dragged back to the whipping post of liberalism and FLOGGED unmercifully in the town square for all to see what is waiting for THEM if they escape.
Is there anything more offensive to black folks than to be called an "Uncle Tom" by people of their own race? That is simply so damned weird because the character of Uncle Tom was inspired by Josiah Henson, who was a runaway slave that helped free other slaves. Uncle Tom was the damned HERO of the book. Now, we have another generation of folks that call black people "Uncle Toms" when they finally escape the slave/plantation mentality of the liberal ideology. Bizarre, huh?
What normal people have realized is that the liberal/progressive agenda is formulated on ONE PREMISE, to keep us from realizing our full potential limited only by the ideology of the United States of America. An ideology that those on the left are making GREAT STRIDES to destroy.
Face it, if you are liberal the best that you can hope for within the ranks of your chosen ideology is to NOT have your foot severed when (not if) you try to escape. Enjoy achieving that goal because you have limited yourself by your own actions, no one else has done that to you. You are the VICTIM of your own actions, embrace what you have done to yourself.
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Wow. I don't know which part to start with. I guess I like to come here because you have the real key to what liberals lack, common sense. I also liked the part about rolling across the finish line, dropping parts.
The only part I didn't get was that last line about being the victim of your own ideology. I mean, dud, come on now, that would be like the same as personal responsibility.
Don't ask, don't tell was another idiotic Democrat (Clinton) idea. Some questions should never be asked. The military already has laws against inappropriate/immoral behavior.
Hey TD, I see you're up to one follower! Cool!
The Don't ask don't tell deal is foolish in a way. As Barry said, and you pointed out...the question itself is ridiculous. Those that serve in the military know what they are allowed to do, allowed to say, and what they are not allowed to do, or say.
A simple directive like "do not ever discuss your sex life with any other service member, or in public" should be enough. And then discipline anyone harshly that does.
I read an article the other day, and I can't find it right now. I think it was at Duke University, where a graduating ROTC lesbian came out of the closet on her own. The article said that she'd likely be required to pay back the 80,000 spent for her education.
The whole thing was stupid. She was NEVER asked by any superior...just decided that it was dishonorable to hide her lesbianism. Now, how is it dishonorable to just keep your damn mouth shut? The whole thing is crazy.
HA! WV: prick
Sigh... Here's the problem with your "conservative logic". Imagine a normal conversation people around the world have a million times a day at work, just talking about places you like to vacation with your spouse. Even under DADT you could NOT comfortably participate in that very mundane conversation. Steve can say, "Pam and I like to go to Spain." Tom says, "Pete and I like to go to Rome." Tom is then discharged for being gay. They aren't talking about sexual positions or any other bedroom activity. They're just talking about life. I agree that there is no reason to talk about sex at work, but to pretend that sex is what it's all it's about is just disingenuous.
I GET that religious conservatives see homosexuality as evil because they apparently think god said so, but since that is a religious idea and we are not under some Christian version of Sharia law, there is no reason for it to hold legal standing like that in the military based on personal feelings. I'll be happy to see DADT go, but I think it was a good start at the time.
Erik, my opinion on this doesn't have anything to do with religion, it has to do with WORK. Do not talk about screwing at work. Simple.
There is NOTHING AT ALL about Christianity that is remotely like Islam, quit being ridiculous.
I don't think it has to do with religion as much s common sense. I can say, "I like to go visit Paul and go wrasslin' 'gators on the bayou" and this is not a statement about anything other than vacation preferences. It doesn't mean anything other than that unless you have a perverted mind. "Pete and I went to visit Central Wisconsin for Memorial Day" and "Pam and I went to visit Central Wisconsin for Memorial Day" are not sexual statements. I really do not want to know and really don't care what you or a heterosexual or anybody else do in the bedroom.
Erik's argument is ridiculous, because Erik's seminal ideological premise is ridiculous. He is a libtard. He argues from a ridiculous, libtard perspective. Decency, morality, ethics, individualism, accomplishment, common sense (hat tip to Herb) is non sequitur to a libtard.
He can't help it, Paul. He is what he is.
Erik is lost. First, you didn't capitalize God. Next, we are not religious conservatives. We are born again Christians, that believe in the word of God. Your word apparent is foolish. Read the book of Leviticus. "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." False prophets will continue to prey on the weak minded and lead them to believe Christians are radical loonies, and proclaim that certain scripture does not exist when in fact it does. God directed disciples to love one another as God would love each of his children. I care very much for people of all traits as we are all born of God. However, sin began when temptation was introduced in the beginning of time. Sin has many characteristics, but ultimately, sin is sin, is sin. Perversion is a form of sin, both non-sexually and sexually. Homosexuality is a perversion if you believe in the word of God. Bottom line, each and every person that is aware that the only way to enter into the Kindom of God, is to ask for forgiveness, and to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior, is faced with a choice. You either accept him, or you do not. It is a faith based decision that will impact you for eternity. You must decide if it is worth the risk to not get to know him, or to give your heart fully. There are only two ways this can end in eternity. Is it worth the risk to give that up for, oh 70 something years of worldly pleasures? That has to be between you and God.
Paul, I understand that. DADT isn't about "not talking about screwing at work". If the military finds out that you are with someone of the same sex, you will be discharged, even if you TRIED to keep it private, and/or were "outed" as it stands today. If you think this should be totally cool, then I guess you're for keeping DADT in place. If not, then I don't understand what your objection is.
Herb, you're right, there is a distinction there, and as I said to Paul, there is no reason to go on about bedroom activity. There is still the problem of being "found out", even if you're trying to keep it secret. Do you think this should be allowed or not?
Skunkfeathers, you presume to know a lot about me from one post, and in a very childish manner I might add. I don't even think Paul would agree with much of your assessment, since while Paul and I disagree on a lot, he has bothered to get to know me personally to some extent. Do you have an argument, or was the ad hominem all you had? What was my premise you believe was wrong from the beginning?
Chris N., I have no reason to believe what the Bible says on this matter or any other, so on this we differ. While you're taking the literal version, don't forget you can't wear clothing of "mixed textiles", or eat shellfish. Don't forget to also believe that the world is 6K years old and that they sun revolves around the Earth. I'm teasing a bit, but to make the point that literalism is a very difficult position to take in a world where we have learned so much more than we knew 2,000 years ago. If you feel like gays should be drummed out of the military, so be it, but I find that a very anti-human position and very much against the meritocracy that most people believe the military should be.
Erik, I have said on many occasions that I have no use for any laws because of my philosophy. Also, I have said many times that I can find no contradictions in The Bible and I am Catholic, too! Catholics ONLY read The Bible and take it in its literal historical context. In no place in The Bible does it say anything about a 6-10,000 year old Earth, that is ONLY from individual interpretations. Interpretations which are obviously faulty. The very same thing goes for the Flat-Earthers. They point to crazy stuff about the Earth not being able to be moved or cornerstones of the Earth or some other such nonsense. I only wish that those that believe in Darwinism and those Young Earthers could get together because they have so much in common that it boggles the mind. Certainly, their disbelief in mathematics and science are at the core of their ignorance.
Again, to bring screwing into the workplace is wrong, but such is the nature of Progressives, they do not hold anything to be determined, their "philosophy" is changed on a daily basis. There must be times when you come to the conclusion that right and wrong enter into the discussion, but liberals/progressives refuse to acknowledge that because there are no concretes in liberal philosophy.
The spread of AIDS is a really good barometer of liberal ideology. Even though science and mathematics pointed out back in the early 1980s, that to contract HIV one needed to be practicing male homosexuality or either sharing needles or screwing someone that was practicing male homosexuality, the liberals REFUSED to accept that because it punctured their ivory tower of relative ideology. Of course, now Africa is literally becoming a human wasteland BECAUSE of that very same (non)belief system.
There simply must come a time in everyone's life where they stop and take an honest look at what is successful and what is not. Liberals refuse to do that and it is a crying shame. Science tells us that there are behaviors that are increasingly risky to maintain one's health. If you choose to practice homosexuality, then you must be responsible in your choices. The very same thing goes for heterosexuality, too. But, the increased risks fall mainly on the homosexual side.
As far as being gay in the military is concerned, I cannot find any reason at all for ANYONE to talk about screwing at work, but the hippies certainly thought that screwing was the most important thing. Wonder why things are so crazy now? Because of the liberal ideology that simply will not die the death that it so richly deserves.
Yes, Erik, gay people exist and they always will exist. But still, shut up about screwing when you are at WORK. Why is there a reg for kicking gays out of the military? Well, it could be because they present more problems than are allowable for a combat situation. Most people do not take into account the increased health risks in battle/camp situations, even though it is thoroughly documented. Environmental hazards are through the roof, and infections can decimate a platoon, or even a battalion, in very little time. When you think of this situation in health/scientific standards, the reasons are numerous and sane.
BUT! Liberals do not consider math or science in anything they contemplate.
Erik, you may consider me childish, and you are entitled to think thus, as it fits your libtard ideology; your ideology reveals the intellectual child in you, and the fact that you have yet to grow up and realize the real world is not a libtard udopia. And personally, I don't care if I know you or not; the rather childish view you choose to apply to the world through a libtard filter via the words you write, suggest you're not someone I'd care to know beyond this particular venue.
correct me if I am wrong but didnt we pass dont ask dont tell because gays were flaunting it and getting their asses kicked and killed?
Roscoe, I really do not remember, but I do not remember any gays in the military getting their asses kicked either. If you have never been to an Air Force function, there are PLENTY of homosexuals in that branch.
Erik is lost. First, you didn't capitalize God. Next, we are not religious conservatives. We are born again Christians, that believe in the word of God. Your word apparent is foolish. Read the book of Leviticus. "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." False prophets will continue to prey on the weak minded and lead them to believe Christians are radical loonies, and proclaim that certain scripture does not exist when in fact it does. God directed disciples to love one another as God would love each of his children. I care very much for people of all traits as we are all born of God. However, sin began when temptation was introduced in the beginning of time. Sin has many characteristics, but ultimately, sin is sin, is sin. Perversion is a form of sin, both non-sexually and sexually. Homosexuality is a perversion if you believe in the word of God. Bottom line, each and every person that is aware that the only way to enter into the Kindom of God, is to ask for forgiveness, and to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior, is faced with a choice. You either accept him, or you do not. It is a faith based decision that will impact you for eternity. You must decide if it is worth the risk to not get to know him, or to give your heart fully. There are only two ways this can end in eternity. Is it worth the risk to give that up for, oh 70 something years of worldly pleasures? That has to be between you and God.
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