Sunday, July 11, 2010

Democrats - Same Old, Same Old

With the RIDICULOUS denial on Friday that Democrats are bad for business, I decided to ignore history, mathematics, science, and philosophy, just like Democrats do, and look at things from the Etch-A-Sketch perspective and see if something could be determined by (allegedly) newly discovered FACTS.

I simply cannot determine if Democrats have caused these economic calamities because there IS NOT A PAST.

I started my innocent search by trying to determine what the economy is like EXACTLY right this minute. Lisa G was incredibly helpful in this regard. I discovered that our national credit cards were maxed out and the reason for those charges. It seems that the DEFICIT was considerably smaller before Democrats took control of Congress and that the Democrat Congress actually kept passing continuing resolutions instead of sending a completed budget to President George W. Bush. That is weird, huh? What is that deficit actually like?

I followed this line of information back in time to see if I could back it up. We cannot simply TRUST Lisa G to tell us the truth, huh? Lo and behold, the American Thinker backs her statements to the hilt as far back as September of 2009.

Another post from Fire Fifty, in January of 2010, says the very same thing, too.

It seems that President Moron McDouchetard thinks that things are heading in the right direction, though. The ONLY way that Obama can believe that is for him to think that nobody working and all people eating out of dumpsters is a good idea.

Furthermore, Barry Obama's energy policy has started the exodus of oil business jobs from our Gulf of Mexico. Make no mistake, these jobs are NOT going to return for a very long time.

We can certainly count on Congressional Democrats continuing to blame Bush for the economy because NOTHING is going to start getting better while Democrats control the government and Pelosi said that Democrats will continue to blame Bush until things get better.

Please keep in mind, nothing has ever happened in the past because we are trying to live our lives like Democrats and history doesn't exist in Democratland. Wonder what the job situation looks like?

Democrats ignore history because they are stupid.

Facts are relative things.

Here are some other things that I learned about the economy this morning.

And curiously, someone actually looked back in history to see if there was something upon which we could base the economic meltdown today. If the economy is akin to the Weimar economy, who does Barry Obama resemble?

I am so glad that the past has no bearing on the future, aren't you?

Maybe we should buy some of these and distribute them to the unlearned?

Please take the time to comment.


Moogie P said...

Yeah -- our micro-economy is just soaring down here in the Gulf South. On a still evening, you can actually hear the lines on employment figure graphs slipping downhill with brakes failing.

Joubert said...

Thanks for the link, Paul. Actually the Democrats (and their ultrarich buddies like Soros and BP) are very efficient at furthering their agenda. They want to destroy entrepreneurship and cripple the middle-class.

Skunkfeathers said...

But for the success of libtards dumbing down education -- to better fuel their dependency class, needed to sell their broken FAILURE of an ideology -- Barry would be the last of the libtards in charge for at least a generation.

Lisa G in NZ said...

heeeey.... I'm completely trustworthy, honest! tee hee

p.s. I love your stick people art.. it ROCKS

word verification: urevabr

you are very broad in your spectrum? (wtf is with these word verifications...?)

Paul Mitchell said...

Lisa, I am beginning to think that the WV stuff is like the Adwords thingy. They kinda change according to the content. Sometimes or not.

Basil said...

I sorry. I had a hard time reading the post. That picture hit my funny bone and I nearly peed my pants.

Lisa G in NZ said...

heeeey.... I'm completely trustworthy, honest! tee hee

p.s. I love your stick people art.. it ROCKS

word verification: urevabr

you are very broad in your spectrum? (wtf is with these word verifications...?)

Moogie P said...

Yeah -- our micro-economy is just soaring down here in the Gulf South. On a still evening, you can actually hear the lines on employment figure graphs slipping downhill with brakes failing.